Chapter 51

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I managed to get this chapter done shortly after I got home late and I couldn't help but to say to myself, "They'rrrreeee  baccccckkkkkkkkkk."  Well, in my mind I had a creepy voice going along with it too.  I'm sure you know who.

Pring POV

How did I end up here? What part of my brain said that it is okay to listen to my mother? I must have had a moment of insanity because I'm sure I would have never willingly agreed to come to this mountainous village with my mother for the past few days if I wasn't insane. Well, if I remember correctly, my mother told me that my grandparents weren't doing well and that we needed to go take care of them right away. However, my grandparents look just fine. Shoot, they are even out in the yard working. If they were truly sick, I don't think that they would be doing that. I'm positive that my mother lied to me just to get me out of the city. What is she up to? And when can I go back? I have a lot to do for my Pha and I have more shopping to do. Not to mention, the big social event of the season is coming up in a few weeks and I need to make sure that I'm dressed to perfection.

"Pring, darling, come help me." My grandmother is trying to carry a box of stuff for the yard. Are those gardening gloves? Oh, there is no way I'm doing any form or manual labor. NO WAY!!

As I eye the gloves, I whine, "Why? Grandmother, you know that I don't do manual labor. Go find someone else to help you."

My grandmother immediately glares at me and politely demands, "Pring, darling, who is going to do it if you don't? I believe that the only people standing here right now are you and me. Now, get over here and help me."

What is she thinking? Didn't I tell her that I don't do manual labor?

I glare back and hiss, "Grandmother, hire some people to do that for you. I'm not going to help you. There is no way that I'm going to get myself dirty. OUCH!!! OUCH!!!! Mother let go of my ear!!"

My mother forcefully yanks my ear down as she pulls me towards my grandmother while I swear she is pinching my ear off. Ouch!! That really hurts!!! I don't desire to be treated this way!

My mother snarls, "Look here girly! I'm not going to have a child of mine behave this way to her own grandmother or to any of her family, especially the elders. Now I have sat quietly for several days hoping that you can start behaving correctly but instead I watch in embarrassment as my daughter talks rudely to everyone and refuses repeatedly to lift a single finger to help out. Well, your father isn't here to coddle you and I'm finally putting my foot down. You are going to learn to be grateful for the things that you have and to appreciate the beauty in the world around you without spending a dime. Oh, if you are even thinking about going to any social events, you can forget those. You, my little chickadee, are banned from those events for a while, especially if that poor boy is going to be there. Mother, can you believe your granddaughter tried to force a poor boy into an arranged marriage just because she has some silly crush on him. Just absurd! I'm ashamed to even call you my daughter."

I stumble forward as my mother continues to pull my ear.

Oh, I hate this! I want to find a way to get out of here and to get back to my Pha. I'm sure he misses me by now. Daddy, why haven't you come to rescue me yet?

My grandmother grabs the gloves out of the box and shoves them in front of my face. "Pring, darling, you need to put these on or you will get your hands all dirty. Hurry up. We don't have much time before it starts to get dark. I want to get all these little fruit trees planted before the sun sets."

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