Chapter 56

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Mr. Panitchayasawad POV

I think I'm finally making some headway with Wayo. The dinner with Pha's grandparents went off smoothly even though it started a little rough since my wife forced her way into the meeting, but Wayo seemed to calm down with Beam and Forth in the room too. Pha's grandparents had already approved of Pha and Wayo's relationship after seeing how happy Pha was with Wayo. I have to admit that I enjoy watching the two together. It reminds me of how much I was in love with Wayo's mother. We thought that we had forever with each other but unfortunately, we were wrong and before we realized what was happening, she was gone.

I don't want Pha and Wayo to lose any of their precious time together. That includes all this nonsense coming from Pha's father and this crazy Pring girl.

The same goes for Forth and Beam. They are both clearly in love with each, but they also can't control their desires for each. As soon as they see each other, they immediately begin to touch each other, and I don't think they even realize that they are doing it. Beam's mother and I could quickly see exactly where their relationship had progressed to. You would have to be blind to not notice it. Shoot, the more I think about it, I think even a blind man can see that they have had sex. Well, Beam's mother had told me that her son was a player and when she investigated Forth and found out that he was also a player, we both knew right away that sex wouldn't be any big deal for them.

Unlike, Pha and Wayo who are both still innocent and pure. I would like to keep my Wayo that way for as long as possible, but I remember back to when I was dating his mother. I could barely contain myself when we were alone.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love my current wife, Bella, but my first wife, June, was my first love and my first in many things. She was and always will be very special to me. However, I'm never going to let my current wife know that. Well, she isn't stupid and I'm sure that she knows how much I loved Wayo's mom, but I don't want it impacting or affecting my current marriage. I have finally found someone that I can love again and I'm not going destroy it.

I love how Bella and I work so well together when we are working on business. That is how we met. I had to deal with her company on a project and she was brilliant. Very few people can keep up with me when it comes to business. Before I met her, Ming's dad was the only one that was at my level when it came to business transactions. Ming's dad has an eye for business and he can just tell somehow by looking at the financials and some recent transactions whether a business is going to flourish or die. I, on the other hand, have to spend time running calculations on the number before I'm comfortable enough to say one way or another on a business.

Bella isn't so much on the calculations side, but she is more the hands-on type and boy, can she run a business. After she gets right in the thick of things, she can see from how the day-to-day activity is handled whether the company will fly high or dive down and die. She is extremely accurate at it, too.

She also has this amazing ability to be able to turn a company around if she wants to. She has done it a couple of times and each time I was completely amazed at her skill and determination, but she managed to get the companies going back in the right direction and profitable.

However, right now, when you combine Ming's dad, with Bella and me, we have become an exceptional force to deal with. We have managed to get things done that even I could have only wished for before us three banded together.

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