Chapter 75

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Kongthanin POV


"Hello." I didn't even look at the caller ID. I have been waiting anxiously for a couple of days for this phone call and I know that it is her. This is the beginning of my comeback.

"The other executives have agreed to meet with you and we have all cleared our schedule for this Friday at our usual place at the usual time. Will that work for you?"

The cold tone immediately reminds me of exactly what I'm up against. No, not against but what I'm trying to win to my side. But, I think I'm a step closer now.

Trying to keep my emotions under control, I simply reply, "Yes. Yes, it will."

"Good. We will meet you there. Good-bye."

"Good-bye." I immediately end the call and instantly scream. "YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!!! I'm finally getting it done!"

Oh, I think this is something to celebrate. I rush out of my study and once again, I'm surprised by how quiet the house is. It is the middle of the day and my wife should be home cleaning or something. Well, she hasn't been fixing me meals lately, but she should still be fixing something for herself.  

I'm not going to let a quiet house stop me from celebrating though. I dash into the kitchen and I pull out a nice bottle of wine from the refrigerator. I set the wine on the counter and I grab a glass from the cabinet. I quickly pour myself some and instead of heading back to my study, I head out to the back yard. It is actually a really pretty view back there, but I usually don't take the time to enjoy it. I have been working so many hours at the hospital for so many years, the thought of actually taking some time to just sit and enjoy the view doesn't even occur to me anymore. When we first bought this home, I would usually sit out there several nights a week to just unwind from the week's activities.

However, now I can't remember the last time that I've been out here. I think maybe it has been years. Too many years, but it has definitely been years. I think I can even remember some of the dreams that I had when I used to be sitting here.

One of my dreams was to make my hospital one of the best. Well, I didn't quite accomplish that, but it is well known and one of the largest in the country.

Another dream was to have three or four kids. I wanted two boys for sure and then one or two girls. It depended on how my wife felt about it. What happened that I only ended up with one son? Well, Pha is an outstanding son. He is smart, handsome and charming. What more could a father ask for? However, he doesn't listen well. He should learn how to obey and follow what his father tells him. I'm only thinking about what's best for his future and our hospital.

Now, what was it that prevented me from having more children? It isn't that my wife couldn't but ah, I remember. I told her that I didn't have time to commit to having more children. I was so busy trying to get the hospital back on track and to become a big success that I told her no more kids for now. Well, the phrase for now ended up turning into no more kids at all.

What were some of my other dreams? Let me think. It has been so long. I couldn't have forgotten them all.

Oh, another one was to go a special trip with my wife for every ten years for our anniversary. Once again, I didn't get that dream achieved. I did manage to get my wife away for the weekend for our ten-year anniversary and my parents watched Pha while we were away. However, I couldn't be away too long because I had important things to do at the hospital, so we couldn't go too far from home. We ended up at a beach resort about an hour away. Yeah, now I remember. My wife was extremely made because I ended up taking my laptop and working in our room the whole weekend, and she had to go out by herself to go site seeing and shopping. We also ended up in a fight because I worked through the entire weekend.

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