Chapter 48

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you like it.  

Wayo POV

As soon as Pha and I are in our room, Pha immediately wraps his arms around me and seductively whispers into my ear, "Are you ready to pick up where we left off last night?"

I can't help but to giggle as I nod my head yes.

Pha doesn't have any clue how much I have wanted him to take the next step. Well, we have been dating for over a week and we have yet to properly make-out. All I get is a few kisses, but nothing like what I want. Well, except for last night. We had a smoldering hot kiss right before he left, but I couldn't take it any longer and I was the one that pulled Pha down to me. I was the one that slammed my lips onto his and I was the one that wouldn't take no for answer. I wanted to show Pha exactly what I was wanting. Well, I think I accomplished my goal.

So earlier today, Pha was finally moving forward but we didn't have any time which I really hated. He has no idea how much I hated having to stop him but I did agree to tonight that we were going to pick up where we left off last night. However, Pha can't mark me and unfortunately, I don't think I can mark him. He has to go out on the stage during the competition, so I can't leave anything visible on his neck, but I think I can put something on his chest. Yes. That's perfect. I'll leave marks on his chest.

Yes, tonight I'm going to make sure that we have a full-blown make-out session. I don't think I'm ready for anything else yet and I'm getting the feeling that Pha may not be ready either. Besides the fact that I don't know what I'm doing.

I slowly look into Pha's eyes and I think he is just as anxious as I am. I want to feel him up against me and I want his mouth exploring my body. All of my body!! I want to explore all of his body too. Just the idea is getting me excited and I'm suddenly getting hot.

Pha slowly pulls me up tight against his body as he slowly lowers his mouth to me and gently kisses me.

Yes. No. This isn't quite what I've been waiting for. I want that hot smoldering stuff like last night.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I huskily demand, "It should be more like this." I forcefully pull Pha's head back to me and I slam our mouths together as I grind myself against him.

Yes! Now this is what I've been waiting for!

Pha and I instantly moan together, "Ahhh!!"

Pha's large hands suddenly move across my back with one hand firmly placed between my shoulders while the other hand is at the very bottom of my spine pushing me forward causing us to grind against each other again.

Oh, yes. I want to feel all of Pha.

Pha gently runs his tongue along my lips and I eagerly open them. The feeling of Pha's tongue thrusting into my mouth is fantastic. Even though I let Pha dominate my mouth, I want to tease him a little as punishment for making me be the one to initiate the hot kiss, so I hungrily suck on his tongue and then I gently bite it.

As soon as I bite his tongue, Pha pulls back and whines, "Baby, what was that for?"

With a mischievous and evil grin, I playfully tease, "For making me make the first move."

Pha immediately smirks. "Baby, you could have just told me that you wanted to do a little more, but I love your actions, though. It really turns me on when you get a little forceful with me."

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