Chapter 70

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


I still can't believe that I'm watching a movie with my brother and his boyfriend while I'm supposed to be on a date with my boyfriend. I was so looking forward to the movie, so I could get a good make-out session going, but my brother came along and ruin it. UGH!!!

I can guess that I'm going to have to wait until we get back to the dorms for a some touching and feeling, and I'm definitely going to eat Ming for my dessert. He is looking too hot tonight for me to be able to stop at some kissing and petting. Shoot, if we were back at my dorm room, I would have jumped onto Ming already and tried to devour him whole. Oh, just thinking about having Ming thrusting inside of me is setting me on fire.

Waii must be able to see what I'm thinking as he leans towards me and warns, "Don't you dare do anything while I'm next to you. I'm not going to allow it."

I'm immediately irritated, and I quickly snap back, "Then you better not do anything either. As soon as you and your boyfriend try something, I'm going to do it, too."

Ming and Apo walk over to Waii and me. Ming happily waves the tickets in the air and chirps, "I've got four tickets to the action movie and we are all sitting next to each other. Isn't that great?"

I instantly huff, "Whatever!" I snatch one of the tickets from Ming's hand and I march off. Tonight's mood is all ruined. If I was able to suck face with Ming, I wouldn't mind what movie that we are going to watch, but now that I know that I have to actually watch the movie, I have to admit that action movies aren't my favorite. I would have rather have watched the romantic comedy movie instead, but I will grin and bare it. I'll get through these next two hours and then I will work to get everything back on track. I can still salvage this night yet.

I march over to the counter and I quickly order a big tub of extra buttery popcorn and a large soda. I know that Ming and I just ate a rather large meal at a very fancy restaurant, but right now I'm mad. When I'm mad, I eat. Not just eat a little, but I call it angry eating. I take my frustrations out on the poor food.

As I scan the counter, I see a king size KitKat bar and I quickly add it to my huge pile of food. I quickly plop the money down on the counter before Ming can pay for it. I quickly scoop up my food and drink into my arms, before Ming can try to help, and I stomp off towards the movie theater.

I hear Apo over my shoulder as I walk away, "N'Ming, is something wrong with N'Kit?'

Waii quickly snorts, "That is N'Kit's mad side. Watch out or he may scratch and bite you, too."

Ming chirps, "Oh, don't worry. I will take care of my KitKat. Now, let's go get some snacks and enjoy the movie."

As I continue to stomp into the movie theater, I quickly find my seat and somehow, I managed to get the seat that is right against the wall. Well, at least I don't have to sit next to my brother because Ming better sit next to me or I'm taking a taxi back to my dorm room.

As I sit down, I stuff my big tub of extra buttery popcorn in between my legs while I hide my king size KitKat bar on my arm rest next to the wall. I don't think anyone will dare try to steal it from there.

As I turn to look at Ming, Waii, and Apo walk into the movie theater, I grab a big handful of popcorn and I growl as I shove the whole handful into my mouth. Instantly, I'm shooting daggers at my brothers as I angrily chomp down on my mouthful of popcorn. I don't care that some of popcorn crumbs fall out of my mouth because before I completely finish chewing what I already have in my mouth, I shove another handful in while I continue to growl.

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