Chapter 72

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Kongthanin POV

Oh, this woman is a hard one to crack. I have had a couple meetings with her after my first one and each of them are just like that very first initial meeting. Well, I at least don't insult her by accident now but the rest of it is the same. She talks in a cold and domineering voice and tells me that I have fifteen minutes of her time as she sets her alarm to go off.

How am I supposed to work my magic when she doesn't let me even have enough time to get started? UGH!! THAT WOMAN MAKES ME MAD!!!

I have another meeting today and I have managed to figure out a method where I can get all my information crammed into fifteen minutes without making it look too rushed. I look through my documents making sure that I haven't forgotten anything. Once I'm satisfied, I put all my things into my bag. I walk out of my study as my wife walks by but doesn't say a word. She doesn't even look at me.

I don't have a clue what is going on with her and I don't have time to care either. I will talk with her after I get the issue with my hospital resolved. My top priority right now is getting back my hospital. Once I have accomplished that, then I will focus on my wife and getting myself back into our bedroom. I still can't believe that my wife is refusing to let me sleep on our bed. At least we have plenty of spare bedrooms. I wouldn't have given up so easily if I had been forced to sleep on the couch for weeks.

Never mind. I can't worry about that now. I have to focus all my energy on breaking that cold woman's shields.

For once in my life, I'm nervous. I usually don't get nervous because I'm usually the one in control, but this time, I have to rely completely on this evil woman to help secure my future and I don't like that feeling at all. Actually, I really hate being at the whim of someone else.

As I drive to the restaurant, I can't stop my mind from running through my speech and my options. I quietly give myself a little pep talk as I tell myself that I can do this, we will succeed, and everything will go back to normal soon.

I continuously tap the steering wheel with my finger and I fight this nervous feeling.

I pull into the parking lot and I take a moment for me to collect my thoughts.

Okay, this is it. I can do it.

Confidently, I grab my bag and I head into the restaurant.

When I get to the private dining room, I once again stop for a second to take a deep breath before I push the door open and I enter the room.

Like always, the cold woman is already here and like usual, she doesn't look up from her tablet to even acknowledge that I entered the room. Oh, she just pisses me off. Does she have any clue how most people would scurry to make me feel welcomed? Well, clearly, she doesn't, or she would be doing it herself.

I walk over to my seat as I continue to stare at her hoping that she will finally pull her head out of her work and look at me. But, she doesn't, even as I sit down, she is still focused on her work.

I quickly grab my documents out of my bag and immediately reach across the table and set them down in front of her. "Hello, Bella. I have prepared my proposal and I just set a copy of it in front of you."

Bella finally tears her eyes away from her work and she glances at my proposal sitting in front of her. To my horror, she doesn't even open my document or scan through it. She simply goes back to her work and says, "Let's eat first. You are fortunate because today I have twenty minutes to talk before I have to go to my next meeting."

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