Chapter 10

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Wayo POV

I'm so glad that Forth is making progress with his crush. He looked so happy this morning. It is when I see others happy that I wish I had someone that I could love and who can make me that happy. However, I have come to the conclusion a long time ago that I'm just not that lucky. I haven't even been kissed. What a loser. I'm sure I'm the only twenty-year-old student here at the university that has never been kissed. Shoot, I have never even held hands with anyone. Shane keeps telling me that I'm just oblivious to my surroundings and that there are plenty of guys trying to get my attention, but I don't give them even a look. I don't have a clue what he is talking about because I see a lot of people every day. I'm noticing my surroundings, so I don't know what he is talking about. I'm not clueless.

I look at my food on my tray and I'm really not that hungry. Why did I get this to eat? I really don't know.

Shane sits his tray down on the table across from me and asks, "What's with that face? What are you thinking about?"

I sigh as I whine, "About you telling me that I'm clueless about my surroundings. P'Forth was so happy this morning because he may be making some progress with his crush and it made me wish that I could be that happy with someone. Well, that led back to my original sentence about you saying I'm clueless. I really don't think that I'm clueless."

Shane chuckles, "Okay. Do you want me to prove it?"

Confused, I ask, "What?"

Shane smiles and says, "Do you want me to prove it?"

Still confused, I ask, "How?"

Shane raises one eyebrow and teases, "Right now, is there anyone checking you out?"

I laugh, "Come on. No, there isn't. Stop making fun of me."

Shane leans forward and asks, "Are you sure?"

I smile and nod my head yes. "I'm definitely certain that no one is checking me out. There is absolutely no one paying attention to me."

Shane smirks, "So, there would be no one walking up to you right now to give you anything, right."

I immediately agree. "Right. There is no one."

Shane raises one eyebrow as if he is silently saying, "Yeah, right." He sits back, doesn't say anything and just waits. What is he doing?

Someone clears his throat and I turn to look to see an okay looking guy standing next to me. And before I can even ask myself what is he doing, the guy nervously fidgets with the hem of his shirt as he slowly asks, "Uhm, I was, uhm, wondering if, uhm, you would, uhm, go out, uhm, with me on a, uhm, date."

Shane immediately snickers but I can tell that he is trying to hold himself from laughing even more. UGH! Why is this happening?

I politely look at the guy and I immediately feel sorry for him. He is so nervous that he can't stop fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and I think I see sweat starting to form along his face. Ah, he has worked himself up into a frenzy and he was just trying to ask me out. Well, this is a first. I have never had anyone ask me out before and I'm kind of happy that it is finally happening, but I'm also irritated that Shane is sitting on the other side of the table just loving the fact that I was proven wrong. UGH!!!

As I go to open my mouth, Forth and Ming come walking up to the table and Forth quickly looks at the guy and he sternly says, "N'Yo isn't interested. Now scram."

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