Chapter 63

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

I hope this chapter doesn't disappear like chapter 62 did.

I'm sure that doesn't come as a surprise but this chapter is a little hot and steamy.  Read at your own risk.  18+

Wayo POV

After taking a nice long shower and thinking more about what my step-mother has said, I have come to the conclusion that my dad is trying really hard and that I should stop trying to punish him for everything that he did after mom's dead. My dad clearly understands that it was wrong. I think my mom would be happy if I forgave my dad and I would be happy to truly have my dad back.

I walk out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist to get my pajamas on. I instantly stop when I hear a noise and I'm frozen in place as I see Pha looking at me with excitement but also with a hunger that I've never seen before. This is the first time that Pha has seen my bare chest. Shoot, I can't even get the courage up to take his shirt off during our make-out sessions. Now, I'm standing in front of him with only a towel on. What was I thinking? Of course, Pha would come to my room looking for me when I disappeared earlier. Why didn't I take my clothes into the bathroom with me?

Pha's eyes devour me as they look me up and down.

Pha suddenly walks towards the door as I'm still frozen in place. My eyes follow him as he moves, and they pop wide open when I watch him lock my bedroom door.

Confused and slightly terrified, I stutter, "P'..P'Pha w.wh.what a.are doing?"

Pha playfully smirks at me and suddenly he removes his shirt as he marches towards me. My mind can't think. Pha's glorious chest is all I can look at.

I want to feel it. I want to taste it. I want to mark it.

I continue to stare at Pha's chest as it continues to get closer. When it finally gets right in front of me, I look up to see Pha's hungry lustfilled eyes and before I can do anything, Pha slams his lips onto mine in a hot passionate kiss.

Oh, this isn't like any kiss that we have had before. This is HOT. REALLY HOT!!

I immediately snake my hands around him and grope his muscular back. Oh, how can these muscles feel so good.

Pha suddenly tightens his grip around me and I'm suddenly lifted slightly off the floor as Pha walks towards the bed.

As Pha lowers me back down to the floor in front of my bed, I realize that Pha at some point took his pants off and he is standing right in front of me only in his boxers. At the thought of him only in his boxers, my junior suddenly starts to show how much he enjoys the idea too, not to mention how the smoldering hot kiss turned me on.

Pha pulls away from my lips and I immediately whimper wanting them back.

Pha smiles and whispers, "Baby, I can't control myself. You are so beautiful."

Am I ready for this? Do I want to make love to Pha in my parents' house?

As the questions run through my mind, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is, "P'Pha, I can't wait any longer. Kiss me."

With a flick of his finger, my towel falls to the floor and I'm now standing naked in front of Pha. I would normally try to hide myself but this burning desire that Pha has ignited is only making me want one thing and that is for Pha to also be naked.

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