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A/N:  Here is the final chapter to my story.  I hope you enjoy it.  

I will be focusing on my other stories for the short time frame.  I'm fixing the ending and uploading new chapters to "My Visions" and I am on the last 25% of "Kitty's Secrets".  Once, I have finished those two stories, I will begin my next story, "The Four Bs" and I will post when that book is uploaded for everyone to read.  

I'm sure you are getting tired of me saying this, but I'm still so surprised with the number of amazing readers that are following me and reading my books.  I love your comments and your support continues to fuel me for the next story or the next chapter.  I hope I continue to see you at my other books.  None of this would be possible without your support.  Love you, guys.  

Now, on to the story.....

Shane POV

We have all graduated and we are all close yet far away. However, we still manage to get together as a group for special occasions and this one is definitely a special occasion. This is the ten year wedding anniversary for Pha, Yo, Forth, Beam, Ming, and Kit, and Yo's dad and Beam's mother are having a big celebration at the mansion. They invited some of our old classmates along with some of the couples' co-workers.

I had to laugh at several of the co-worker's faces as they pulled up to the mansion. I think they were still dragging their jaws on the ground when they got out of the car. Well, I have to admit that the first time that I came here, it was rather impressive. I'm sure that I was acting just like they are.

Well, part of the problem is that none of the gang acts rich. Even though they could buy most of Thailand, they don't and with Kit and Yo, they actually whine when things cost a lot. I'm sure that anyone watching them would think that they are middle class to slightly on the poor side, which is completely wrong.

I was the only one in the group that had to fly in from out of the country. A few years back, I had to go back home to help with some things and I still haven't made it back over to Thailand to be with Yo. However, I did bring my wife with me to the United States and she is all excited about coming back home for the first time in a few years. Even though her parents want us to stay with them, we both agreed to stay at the mansion with the rest of the gang in our old rooms. It is almost like going back to those days when we were in college and spend the nights and weekends together.

As Nate and I leave our room and head towards the banquet hall for the party, I ask, "Are the Fairies going to be here?"

Nate smiles and nods her head. "Yes. All of them sent me messages saying that they wouldn't miss this for the anything. Oh, I forgot, Ai'Bitch!"

I couldn't hold back my laughter as some of the wild and crazy times that we had with the Fairies. They were always the life of the party when they were there. I wonder if they have calmed down yet or not.

Nate and I walk down the hall to a big play room and we peek in to see what all the kids are up to.

As soon as Nate peeks in, she instantly shouts, "Blane, stop that right now!"

I quickly follow behind her to see what kind of trouble our son has gotten himself into this time. I'm surprised when I see our five year old son trying to pull a toy away from a little three year old Kimmon, who appears to be on the verge of tears. I quickly glance around, and it is immediately clear that Yo's dad didn't schedule enough staff for today. I believe there are more children coming and the staff are currently being over run by the children.

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