Chapter 66

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Well, you should know by now since this is the last of the couples and it is Forth and Beam what that means.  Did you say that you saw some bunnies?   

Warning, this chapter may be a little hot and steamy so read at your own risk.  18+

Mr. Wijitan POV

"Honey just think of it this way. Our baby girl is finally getting the help that she desperately needs. Don't think about the fact that she is in a mental facility or that they have heavily sedated her. When all is said and done, she will be better."

I couldn't hardly handle being in there. When we sat and talked with the doctor about my daughter, he said that she is extremely ill and that she will have to be in the mental facility for probably a long time.

She didn't even look like my beautiful daughter. They had her so full of drugs that the person that they showed us was just a shell of my previous daughter. It was almost too much for me to handle.

However, after seeing everything that they had as evidence of what she was doing and what she was planning, I didn't think twice about getting her help. I just never thought that it was going to be this hard on me.

As my wife and I walk away from the facility, I desperately try to keep my emotions under control.

I sigh and softly mumble, "I know that she is getting help but it is just so hard seeing our baby girl so out of it."

My wife gently holds my hand as we continue to walk towards our car. "Honey, they said that she tried to harm herself and the staff when they told her that she wasn't going to be able to leave and see N'Pha. We can't have our daughter harming herself or others."

I slowly lower my head. "I know but she just looks terrible. I'm glad that she is safe now, but I want that spark back in her eyes. I know. I know. I will have to wait until she gets better."

My wife gently squeezes my hand. "Yes, honey. When she gets better then I'm sure that she will have that little twinkle in her eyes again. Let's just wait and see."

I wonder if this will be enough to get everything back on track with everything else. The arranged marriage is definitely history. If not, I don't know what else I can do to make things right. I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see.

I wonder how long it is going to take to get Pring back to normal or whatever normal is for her.


Forth POV

"Baby, I think N'Yo and his dad are really starting to fix their relationship. What do you think?"

I look over at Beam waiting for his response as we walk into his bedroom. I'm glad at how Beam has taken his older brother responsibilities so seriously with Yo. Yo deserves to have his family back after what he has went through.

Beam nods his head. "Yes. I think they are definitely on the road to having their relationship back to somewhat where it used to be. I also think my mother has had a big hand in fixing it too. I can see how N'Yo really wants to have his dad back in his life even though he doesn't say it."

"I agree."

I gently push the door shut and I quickly lock it. I don't want anyone disturbing us and I don't care that we are at Beam's house. I need my daily dose of Beam or I'll go crazy.

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