Chapter 34

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


My morning was going great until Beam and Ming both confirmed with Yo and I that Pring's family was the one that is trying to force this stupid arranged marriage thing. I still can't believe that my father would sell his son off to the highest bidder regardless of what or how his own son felt. My father has done many cold and heartless things through the years but this one takes the cake. I get some good news from Beam and Ming that both families including Yo's dad has begun a war to stop this and to actually cause some harm to both Pring's family and to mine. At first, I didn't want anything to happen to my father but after Beam explained that it will be the easiest way to resolve this whole mess, I finally agreed.

Now knowing what is really happening, I start to notice things that I haven't noticed before. With the help of my friends, Kit and Beam, we see that Pring is waiting at the front of the medical facility's building and she isn't with any friends. As we start to go into the building, she nonchalantly starts to follow us.

Beam softly mumbles, "I wonder how long she has been doing this. This is kind of creepy."

I whisper, "Yes, it is. Why didn't we notice this before?"

Kit softly huffs, "Because she is standing far enough way that we didn't see her. Let' see what she does if we throw her off. We usually do the same thing every day. How about shuffling it up a little?"

Beam chuckles quietly. "Well, I'm sure she has been thrown off for the past couple of weeks. Remember, Ai'Pha started chasing after N'Yo a couple weeks ago and I'm assuming that we have been getting away from her. She didn't seem to realize that Ai'Pha is currently dating N'Yo."

Just the thought of Pring following me around and stalking me sends a cold chill through by body. I don't know what she is thinking but clearly, she has the main goal of trapping me but I'm sorry to say that it isn't going to happen to me. I'm not going to let this happen and I have plenty of people on my side helping to prevent it.

I quickly mumble, "Let's go the long way to class, going past the professors' offices and the back study area. Okay."

Kit and Beam don't verbally respond but instead they immediately turn, and I quickly follow right behind them. As we continue our conversation, Beam tries to nonchalantly look back over his shoulder to see if Pring is following or not.

Beam chuckles and teases, "She must know better than to follow us or she is afraid of what she might see, but she isn't following us. I guess we will have to go different routes than normal to get her to stay away."

Kit snorts, "Yeah, right. It won't take her long before she follows us through those different routes. Are you forgetting that she has asked her family to get Pha's father to agree to that stupid arranged marriage crud? Do you think she will stay away from Ai'Pha just by taking the long way to class? Ai'Beam use that brain to think, will you."

I have to agree with Kit. I don't think these tactics will keep her away for too long. I'm sure it will only be a couple of days before she starts stalking me everywhere again.

Why did this have to happen to me? I just found someone that I truly like, scratch that, that I love. Then this happens. I just want to spend my time with my baby. Why do others have to try and ruin it?

I reluctantly say, "Well, let's go different routes each day and maybe we can go without her lurking around for a few weeks and hopefully by then, her family will give up and I can go back to doing everything normally. I'm hoping for that anyway."

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