Chapter 55

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I apologize for stopping where I did.  I have family staring at me while I'm typing and I couldn't take it anymore so I had to stop, plus I couldn't think clearly.  UGH!!

Ming POV

Oh, I can't get Kit out of my mind. After what happened at the beach resort, every time I close my eyes, Kit's cute dimpled face is there staring at me. His magnificent smile shining just for me. UGH!!

The problem is that I haven't been able to see or talk to Kit much since we were at the beach resort. I have SOTUS activities along with the moon and star practices. Don't get me started on having to practice for my individual talent piece for the competition. At some point in the day, I have to study which seems to be more of an impossible task as the days go by. I wish that I had a button that could take me back to that night at the beach resort. I would be more than happy and willing to keep repeating that night over and over again. Not only did I get to see Kit get all flustered when I caught him watching me while I took a bath but the hot make-out session that we had after I watched Kit stroke himself in the shower. Oh, that image is something that I will never forget.

I can't take it anymore and I'm going to Kit's room. How can Kit not be suffering too? Plus, I want to touch Kit and maybe kiss him too. Okay, I really want to kiss Kit. I have been dreaming of kissing him since that night.

I'm finally done with my practice and neither Kit or Beam were there because they have some lab that Pha was able to do earlier since he had to be at the moon and star practice hall, too. I can't wait any longer, I have to see my KitKat. Yes, I have decided that I'm going to call Kit KitKat since I love to eat the chocolate bars and right now, I really want to devour him.

I know that I was the one initially that wasn't sure of what I wanted or if I could even date a guy, but Kit some how managed to steal my heart when I wasn't looking. When I finally realized it, it was too late. I was already 100% in love with Kit. Just thinking back to when I rejected Kit's first confession breaks my heart. I wish I would have known what I was truly feeling, and we wouldn't have had to go through that painful time where Kit ignored me. That was pure torture.

I can't handle this either. I have to see him tonight. No matter what.

I grab my stuff and I wave at Yo as I run out of the practice hall and I head towards Kit's dorm room. I stop just outside our dorm to grab some food from a nearby restaurant before I run to Kit's room. I'm hoping that he hasn't eaten yet and that he will be willing to eat with me.

I sprint up the stairs and I come to stop right in front of Kit's door. I'm done with taking the back seat in this relationship. I've made Kit do all the work up to now but I'm going to start taking charge from now. I'm going to show Kit just how much I want this relationship and what he means to me. Kit has become my everything. My world.

I take a moment to steady my breath before I knock on his door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Oh, I forgot to even make sure that he is in his dorm room. I hope he is here. I don't hear anything. Maybe he is in the bathroom and can't hear me.

Frustrated, I bang on the door.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"P'Kit, open up! I've brought us something to eat!"

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