Chapter 43

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  This is one of the few times that it is Shane's point of view.

Shane POV

I don't have a clue what that witch is even thinking. If she was a man, I would have freaking punched her right in the face. Who does she think she is? Does she even know that the heirs to two of the most powerful families were standing next to her when she was acting all high and mighty. Well, clearly, she didn't know because she just made herself look like a fool. Oh, I can't wait for all this to blow up in her face. This is going to be priceless, and I'm going to enjoy every last minute of it.

I quickly growl, "Tell me that the plan has started. I want to watch that witch suffer."

I look around the table while everyone is eating breakfast and Park quickly replies, "Yes. Everything started going up on the university website yesterday evening and I'm really surprised by the amount of traffic it has already received. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone on campus has seen the pictures and the postings about Ai'Pring. She should be getting some backlash this morning. I would be really surprised if she isn't."

Lam adds, "There were a lot of students adding additional stories and pictures of Ai'Pring being nasty, rude and just down right mean to other students and sometimes even teachers and staff. I personally think that she doesn't think anyone can stop her."

I quickly snort, "Well, I'm here to say that we can, and we will."

Pha happily says, "My grandfather called last night to let me know that he has spoken to Ai'Pring's father and has officially broken off the arranged marriage. I couldn't have been happier. I even had to go next door to N'Yo's and celebrate." Pha smiles and looks at Yo who immediately blushes. I'm afraid to ask what that meant but I'm pretty sure it probably had to do with a lot of making-out.

Well, Beam isn't afraid to say something as he suddenly blurts out, "Hmmm. Ai'Pha, are you telling everyone that you had your way with my brother? I don't know if I can approve of something like that."

Kit quickly rolls up a tissue and throws it at Beam, as he huffs, "Ai'Shitty Beam, only you and Ai'Forth are at that level. Plus, if Ai'Pha would have done that to our little N'Yo, I don't think N'Yo would be walking around so easily today."

Yo suddenly protests, "P's!!! Stop it!" However, it doesn't hold much power since Yo is bashfully hiding his face in Pha's chest.

The whole table immediately starts to laugh as Pha hugs Yo and tries to get him calmed down.

Ming reaches over and tries to poke Yo's side playfully but Pha quickly slaps his hand away. Ming instantly pouts and whines, "Yo, P' is trying to hit me. I just want to tease you, too. You are so cute when you're embarrassed."

Without looking at Ming, Yo snorts, "Don't worry about me, because you may have to cheer P'Kit up after that comment."

Ming continues to whine, "What? Why would P'Kit be upset?" Ming slowly turns and sees Kit fuming. However, Ming still doesn't realize that it is about his comment that Yo is cute when Yo is embarrassed. Why can't Ming see that every word he says in front of Kit directly impacts Kit's mood. Everyone around those two can see but Ming is still so stupid. I just want to go over and shake him until he realizes what is going on. When will he ever figure it out?

Ming desperately tries to make Kit smile again with his funny child like antics and after a few minutes, Kit is back to smiling again and Ming is once again happy. The rest of us at the table just give each other a look of 'Ming is an idiot'.

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