Chapter 44

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

Well, we got lucky and the rest of the week, we haven't had to deal with Pring. Actually, she hasn't been at school the rest of the week which we all are extremely relieved about and Pha can actually go to class without trying to hide which is making him extremely happy.

It is early Saturday morning and I really don't want to be up yet, but I have to. All the moons and stars are supposed to report to the university before we load up and head out for the beach resort. Pha actually helped me decide what to bring for the next couple of days, since he did this beach resort thing last year too.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about getting car sick on the bus. As soon as I told Pha about how sensitive my stomach is, he let the leader know that I will be riding with him unless the leader wanted to clean up vomit from the bus. The leader immediately gave in and Pha also stated that Ming would be riding with us too. Well, anyone can easily figure out that Kit is the one that wanted Ming to ride with them. I'm still just amazed that Ming can't see it. He thinks that I asked to have him ride in the car with us. What an idiot?

As soon as we check-in, our group heads out with Beam and Forth following behind in Beam's car. I'm a little nervous. I have never had to do a photoshoot before I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Honestly, I don't know why we have to go through all of this, but everyone keeps on telling me this is how it has always been done. So, I guess I will just have to go along with it.

On our way to the beach resort, someone got the bright idea of playing games to pass the time. I usually don't like to play along with the games that Ming thinks of but this time, I decided that I would play. We started off playing a game where we try to describe something that we see and the others have to guess what it is. However, it didn't take long before we all agree to stop playing it because Ming keeps describing things that are too difficult to see. I think half of the things that he picks are hidden behind something and I'm sure that he is the only one that knows it is even there. That's cheating if you ask me.

Pha quickly decides that he doesn't want to play any more road games, so he starts asking Ming questions about me and when I was younger. Oh, this is so embarrassing.

Ming perks up and chirps, "Oh, P', Yo was such a chubby boy when he was younger. Oh, did I forget to tell you that he had pimples all over his face. I'm so glad that I was finally able to get him talked into going to see the doctor. It didn't take long before Yo started a strict facial program and his skin cleared up right away."

I immediately stop him from talking anymore and whine, "Ming!! Stop it! It is embarrassing. If you suddenly pull out pictures of me during that period of time, I'm going to slap you hard. I may, also, never talk to you again. Now, stop it."

Ming giggles, "Oh, Yo, thanks for recommending me to show P' some pictures of your dark time."

I can't help myself and I suddenly scream, "Don't you dare!!!"

Pha chuckles and softly says, "Baby, I'm sure you were still cute."

Ming snorts, "I would have to disagree. Yo looked like he was attacked by a bunch of bees every day. There was nothing cute about it."

I immediately huff and cross my arms over my chest. "MING!!"

Kit softly giggles and says, "Don't worry, N'Yo. Even the great Ai'Pha had a dark period when he looked more like an awkward giraffe than a teenage boy. He had such long legs that he initially couldn't get his balance on them that he couldn't hardly play basketball. However, he practiced and worked really hard and eventually he got his body under control. As you know, he became a really good basketball player."

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