Bonus Chapter 3

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you like it.

I'm sure you have figured it out but this chapter is a little hot and steamy.  Pha and Yo couldn't wait and devoured each other on the plane.  What will Ming and Kit be like???  18+


I still can't believe it. I'm married to Ming. Well, I was hoping at some point that Ming and I would get married, but I never dreamt in a million years that it would have happened like this. This is just crazy.

I like it, but it is still crazy.

Wait! Where are we going to live? We are still in school. Well, I know for a fact that I'm living together with Ming. I'm not going to take 'no' for an answer.

Ming playfully leans his head on my shoulder and chirps, "P'Kit, I can't believe that we are married. I'm so excited."

I lean my head against Ming's head. "N'Ming, I'm happy, too."

Ming slightly bounces in his seat next to me as he hums, "Where should we go for our honeymoon?"

Oh, I hadn't even thought about that. This is all happening in a flash and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. Well, I saw Pha and Yo nearly run out of the banquet hall and I can only assume that it was to begin their wedding night. Pha doesn't have to hold back any more.

The honeymoon is something that I haven't even thought about. I know Beam had several brochures, but I didn't even look at them because I didn't think I needed to. Beam had already decided where he wanted to go, so there was no use in looking through the brochures for me.  Who would have thought that all this was going to happen?  I sure didn't think it would.

I gently rub Ming's thigh as I whisper, "I don't have a clue. I didn't look through any of the brochures when Beam was looking at them. What do you want to do?"

Before Ming can answer, Ming's parents walk up to us. Ming's mother cheerfully chimes, "Congratulations. N'Kit, I'm so happy to have you as part of our family now." Ming's mother quickly leans over the table and pulls me into a quick hug. As soon as she releases me, Ming's father pulls me into another hug.

Ming's father pats my shoulder, and says, "Welcome to the family."

Ming hugs both his parents and then whines, "Hey, we didn't have time to plan a honeymoon. I want to take Kit on a honeymoon. What am I going to do?"

Ming's father smiles. "Son, do you think that we would help plan all of this and forget about the honeymoon. Don't worry. We didn't forget."

Ming instantly stands straight up. "What! What did you plan for our honeymoon?"

I can't help but get excited. I wonder what his parents have chosen for us.

I watched anxiously as Ming's mother hands an envelope to Ming. Ming is just as excited as I am, and he nearly jumps over the table to get the envelope from his mother.

Ming nearly rips the envelope apart to see what is inside as I lean against his side trying to catch a peak.

Ming almost screams when he pulls out a voucher for a week's stay at one of the nicest beach resorts around.

How did they get these? The beach resort has a waiting list and from what I've heard, it takes months to be able to have a chance to get a room here. However, Ming's parents pulled this off in such a short time and it is the nicest suite there.

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