Chapter 65

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Just a heads up, I am extremely busy this week so I may not be able to update everyday.  So, please don't be surprised if I miss a day or two or maybe three.

As for the chapter, I'm going to warn you.  This chapter is a little hot and steamy so read it at your own risk.  18+


I'm definitely not going to have a repeat of what happened at the beach resort during the moon and star photoshoot happen again. I can't do that in N'Yo and P'Beam's house. I don't know what it is, but I just can't do it. It would be the same if I took Ming home to meet my parents and we stayed the night. I just couldn't do anything in my room while my parents where somewhere in the house. I would be too afraid that they would hear us. No matter how quiet I was.

As I walk into Ming's bedroom, I'm still amazed that Ming has his own bedroom here, I quickly shout, "I'll take a bath first." I don't wait for Ming's response and I quickly pull my pajamas out of my bag. With my arms wrapped tight around my pajamas, I turn around to go to the bathroom and I instantly stop frozen in place.

Why is Ming doing this? What is he thinking?

Ming has already removed his shirt and has pulled off his pants and is now standing in the middle of his bedroom in only his boxers. Oh, this isn't good on my heart. My poor little heart can't handle it.

As my body starts to get hot, Ming chirps, "Should we take a bath together?"

Frantically I shake my head no, but I can't force myself to say a word. Before I make a bigger fool of myself, I dash into the bathroom and I quickly lock the door.

Oh, this isn't good. My junior is already responding to the glorious sight of Ming's well sculpted body and my pants are currently uncomfortably tight.

Somehow, I manage to walk to the sink without my legs giving way, but I am extremely wobbly. As I set my pajamas down next to the sink, I take a long hard look at myself in the mirror. What am I looking at? Am I supposed to see a man in love? Well, all I can see is a fool trying not to get caught and acting stupid.

What was I even thinking when I thought it would be all right to sleep in the same room with Ming. This isn't going to be all right.

After a few seconds and the ever-increasing pain in my growing manhood, I finally decide that I need to get in the shower to cool myself down. I quickly get undressed and with each passing memory of Ming's glorious body in only his boxers, my shaft has become fully hard and is in need of some attention.

As I climb into the shower, the warm water gently hits my body and I can't help it as I moan a sigh of relief. "Ahh!"

However, the warm water isn't helping to calm down my manhood and I see no other option than a hand job just like at the beach resort. Oh, that was so embarrassing. Ming walked in while I was stroking myself. Well, that won't happen tonight. I made sure to lock the door.

As I think about Ming, I grab the body wash and squirt a little in my hand before I grab my shaft and begin to stroke. Oh, this feels so good.

I lean forward, and I place my left hand against the shower wall as my right hand settles into a nice rhythm. As I begin to think of Ming, I begin to moan softly, "Ahh!! Ahh!!"

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