Chapter 41

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Ming POV

I'm feeling confident that this whole situation with Pha and Yo will be resolved. The only thing that I don't know is just long will it take to resolve it. I would like to say that it won't take that long but based on what Pha and even Kit has said, Pha's father is really stubborn and he won't be that easy. So hopefully by trying to knock both Pha's father and Pring's father at the same, we will get our much needed result soon.

Ah, the practice is finally done. This is like some kind of slow torture. We spend our nights practicing the same dance routine over and over again. At some point during our practice, we have to practice walking again. UGH!!! I hate that part. However, I often find a way to make it fun and enjoyable. Like tonight, I pretended that I was some fashion prima donna. I had fun, but the leaders lectured me about not taking this competition seriously. Well, I do take it seriously, but I like to have some fun too.

Like usual, I grab my stuff and Pha can't wait for Yo to come out of the building, so he immediately comes walking in. I ignore all the lovey-dovey stuff as I decide to walk out of the building. For some reason, I'm not in the mood to watch those lovebirds tonight. As I exit the building, some of our engineering friends and fellow students are standing around the benches where Shane, Forth, Beam and Kit are sitting.

I stop in my tracks as one of the engineering boys is flirting with Kit. I watch is shock as Kit tries to push the guys hands off his arms and politely tries to tell the guy no. However, the guy isn't giving up so easily. I don't know who this guy thinks he is, but you just can't come up to my Kit and do something like this right in front of me. I'm not going to allow it to happen.

As my anger begins to build, I march right over to the group and I quickly grab Kit's arm. "P'Kit, we need to go now. I have tons of homework and I don't want to be up all night doing it."

Kit looks a little confused but doesn't move right away.

This pushy engineering boy quickly tries to pull my hand off of Kit. "Hey there. We were just trying to get to know each other. Why are you in a rush? I want to talk with Ai'Kit a little bit more, nong."

I slowly hiss, "Well, I will make it easy for you. P'Kit isn't interested in you so don't waste your time."

As Yo and Pha walk up to the benches, Yo asks, "Ming, what is your problem?"

Beam quickly teases, "Yeah, N'Ming. Why are you so worked up tonight? It isn't like people haven't talked to Ai'Kitty before. Is there a reason???? Hmmm."

As my anger continues to grow because this idiot won't listen to me, I continue to glare at the engineering student as I growl, "No. Nothing is wrong with me."

Kit gently puts his hand on my arm. "N'Ming, please calm down. Are you sure you want to leave right now?"

Kit's gentle touch manages to cool my anger a little, but I'm still mad that this stupid engineering student his flirting with Kit. I turn my attention towards Kit and smile. "Yes, P'Kit. Let's leave right now."

Kit doesn't argue and replies, "Okay."

Kit quickly puts all of his stuff in his bag and he gets up without saying another word to the engineering student.

Just a we go to leave, the engineering student suddenly asks, "Ai'Kit, I'll come talk to you again tomorrow night."

As Kit opens his mouth to say something, I quickly cut him off. "Sorry, but P'Kit doesn't want to talk to you. Please leave him alone."

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