Chapter 13

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A/N:  I didn't get enough chapters written ahead of time for this weekend.  We had a festival here from Friday through Sunday, but I didn't go in today.  The class ahead of me had their 30 year class reunion so I had fun with old classmates and remembering the good old days.  Sorry, if you don't want to see it, but I just have to show you Shane would was in the parade throwing candy out while advertising his business.  I don't know if he enjoyed it or not but it looks like it from the picture.

Oh, I forgot to apologize for not responding to any comments or messages over the last two days

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Oh, I forgot to apologize for not responding to any comments or messages over the last two days.  I'm back now so everything should get back to normal.  

Okay, back to the story.  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  Here is how everyone else is feeling about meeting each other.


Beam can't resist teasing me. "Ai'Kitty, look you're blushing. Ah, are you afraid that N'Ming won't like you if you admit that you like him?" Beam laughs as he pokes me in the stomach several times.

Oh no, he didn't just try to tickle me. Why would he do something like that in front of Ming. He knows just how much I like him, and he is being stupid right now. Not to mention that I'm extremely ticklish and I can't stop laughing.

I quickly try to swat Beam's finger away, but he has already hit my ticklish spots and I'm trying to hold my laughter in which is really hard. I can't help but to smile even though I want to flash a mad scowl at Beam. I really could just slap him silly right now for doing this in front of Ming. What will Ming think of this.

Suddenly, I freeze when I feel a finger poking my dimple and I can see that Beam is holding his breath. I glance out of the corner of my eye and see that Ming is touching my dimple. My mind wants to slap his hand away, but my body doesn't want to lose contact with his skin. Oh, I can't believe that Ming is touching me.

Ming flashes a big smile and playfully chimes, "P'Kit, you have such cute dimples."

I slowly turn to look at Ming who is still touching my dimple and I'm in turmoil. I don't like people touching my dimples and I even slapped his hand away earlier when he tried to touch my dimples but this time he is actually touching me, and I don't want him to remove his hand. Oh, what am I going to do?

I slowly reach up with my hand and slowly pulls Ming's finger away from my face without saying anything. Without letting go of Ming's hand, I bashfully ask, "You like my dimples?"

I can't help the little blush that creeps onto my face. I have dreamt about this. Being able to touch Ming and be near him. I want this so much and I'm not going to do anything that will jeopardize it for me.

Before Ming can reply, Forth clears his throat and barks, "Let's sit down and eat. We have a very short time frame before N'Ming and N'Yo have to go back and practice again."

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