Chapter 9

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Forth POV

Did this night actually happen? I'm still dreaming right? Beam just looked at me and not only did he say that I'm handsome twice, he just call me damn sexy. Then we KISSED!! Did I dream that? No, we actually kissed. I think I'm on cloud nine right now.

I look down at Beam's sleeping body and I can't resist it. I lean down, and I kiss Beam on the lips one last time, before I get up and walk out of Beam's room. As I shut the door, I suddenly realize that I don't have a key to lock the door. I quickly mumble, "Now, what? How am I supposed to lock the door?"

The door right next to Beam's room slowly opens and Kit and Pha walk out smiling. Pha motions for me to come into their room while Kit walks over to Beam's door and locks it. Once we are inside Kit's room, Pha immediately asks, "So, Ai'Beam is the one that you have a crush on and you don't think you have a chance. Right?"

I quickly look at Kit and he seems to be anxiously waiting for my answer but I'm not sure why. I slowly nod my head yes. "I know that Ai'Beam only like girls, so I already know that I don't have a chance, but after tonight I'm going to hope that I have a chance."

Kit nearly jumps on me as he demands, "What did he do? Did he finally realize that he likes you?"

I instantly shout, "What?"

Kit smiles and teasingly says, "Ai'Beam avoids you because he says that he feels weird around you. After seeing his expression earlier, I know why he feels like that when he is around you." Kit pauses for a couple seconds and I'm can't hardly handle the wait. "He likes you, but he can't admit that he likes a guy. He doesn't have a problem with Ai'Pha or me dating guys, but he just thinks that he only likes girls. Shoot, Ai'Pha didn't know if he likes boys or girls until he saw N'Yo earlier. I was too out of it to notice, but Ai'Pha said that Ai'Beam was teasing him about getting aroused just seeing N'Yo for the first time."

Pha instantly whines, "Ai'Kit, you weren't much better. I saw you after the practice and you couldn't take your eyes off of N'Ming. You were making googly eyes at him." Pha playfully pushes Kit which Kit swats away Pha's hand away but Kit keeps on blushing. Wait! Did Kit just say that Beam likes me, but he is in denial? Did Pha just say that Kit likes Ming? Oh, this is getting confusing.

Pha quickly sits next to me and barks, "Ai'Forth, you have to help us to get closer to N'Yo and N'Ming and we will help you get closer to Ai'Beam. Okay."

Kit immediately scoots closer. "Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top."

Kit gives me such a sad face that I can't resist and before I realize what I'm saying, I shout, "Okay!" Oh, I hope I'm not going to regret this later but if this gets me closer to Beam, I'll try it. If it wasn't for Beam giving me hope tonight, I wouldn't have agreed because I would still be thinking that I didn't have a chance with Beam. But, now, there is a small glimmer of hope and I'm choosing to reach out and try to grab on to it. I hope this works.


The next morning, I'm still on cloud nine as Ming and Yo meet me for breakfast. Ming immediately asks, "P'Forth, what happened to you? I haven't seen you smiling this much in a long time. Wait! Does this have something to do with your crush? OMG!!"

As Ming mentions my crush, my smile gets even bigger, if that is even possible and I think I'm blushing a little. No, I don't blush this isn't good.

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