Chapter 40

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

I still can't believe how everyone is helping Pha and me. I would have never dreamt that this would happen and that I would have this many people helping to prevent it. My brother seems to also be fighting hard for me, well, I'm sure some of it is for Pha, but I know he is going that extra step because of me.

And, what can I say about my dad. He has completely surprised me. I'm still not completely convinced but I'm starting to think that maybe he has changed. I'm still going to need more time, but he isn't the man that I visited several years ago for semester break.

"Ai'Cutie! What are you thinking about?" Montree playfully slaps my shoulder and smiles at me.

I shake my head and answer, "Oh, nothing. Now, can you guys please tell me how you were able to get all this done in such a short period of time. Do you have some magic fairy dust or something?"

The whole group immediately bursts out laughing. Through her laughter, Nate manages to say, "Magic.... fairy.... dust... good.... one....."

Shane and I look at each other as if we can't figure out what were so funny, but clearly the Fairies thought it was funny. Shane and I sit patiently waiting for the Fairies to stop laughing, so they can properly talk again.

When the laughing finally dies down, Montree playfully asks, while smiling, "What is our major?"

Shane and I look at each other trying to figure out where this is going, but I decide that I will play along. I'm sure I'll get my answers faster this way. I calmly answer, "Fashion design. I still don't understand how music and fashion design are similar that we were in the same orientation, but that doesn't matter."

Jay quickly chirps, "I'm going to ask a loaded question. Do you know what top designer clothes we usually wear?"

Once again, I really don't see what that has anything to do with this. "I'm not a fashion expert but I believe that you guys often wear FA clothes. Which I might add are really hard to find and get. From what I hear the girls can't stop talking about how hard those clothes are to find and you guys seem to always have them."

Nate giggles and teases, "Well, for a genius, you are definitely not connecting the dots here. I'll spell it out for you. What are the initials of our gang?"

Shane and I look at each other and we both say in unison, "FA gang." Suddenly the light bulb finally turns on in my head and I almost scream, "FA clothes are the Fairy Angel gang's clothing line and that was how you were able to get all that information from the clothing shops. Did you threaten to pull for clothes from their stores?"

Elephant smiles and teases, "Ai'Cutie, our clothes are sold out at their stores, so we didn't threaten to pull our clothes, but we did threaten to not sell any more clothes to them."

OMG!!! I would have never guessed that my silly friends are some of the top fashion designers in the country. Why in the world are they going to the university? I'm sure that they are in high demand without a degree. Why slow your career down just to get the degree? Well, I guess I can't say much. I'm going back to school to get my second degree because I want to learn more about music.

I look at Shane and he is just as surprised as I am. Before I can say anything, Zee quickly says, "Ai'Cutie and P', please keep this under wraps. We don't want people finding out who we are. Then everyone will try to get us to sell them some of our clothes or worse yet, they will pretend to be our friend. Yuck! I hate two faced people like that. We don't do interviews and we don't let pictures of us get out or even get taken. Everyone knows about one of the top designer labels, but no one knows who those designers are. We want to get our fashion design degree before the world knows exactly who we are."

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