Chapter 5

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Beam POV

After listening to my step-father last night, I think I may have a good understanding what is going on with my step-brother. I still don't really want to meet him but like Pha and Kit said, I need to make my mother happy, so I'll try to find a baby-faced freshman named Wayo. I should have asked by step-father what facility he is in. Well, I do know that he is living in the same dorm as Pha. I may bump into him there. You never know.

As a walk into the restaurant, Kit and Pha wave at me and I quickly wave back. Kit and Pha can't contain their curiosity and they begin pop questions left and right at me before I even have a chance to sit down.

Kit asks, "So, how did the meal go?"

Pha doesn't let me even open my mouth to answer before he asks, "What he is like?"

Just like Pha, Kit doesn't let me get a word out before he asks, "Is he nice?"

As Pha opens his mouth to ask another question, I immediately put my hand up and shout, "Stop it! There is nothing to say. He didn't come last night, and I didn't meet him."

Pha and Kit instantly whine, "What? Why?"

I shake my head. I'm almost thinking that they are more interested in my step-brother than me. However, I know that they are just concerned about me.

I nonchalantly say, "He claimed that he was too tired from the flight and moving to come to the house. He said that he was going to sleep instead."

Kit sighs. "Well, I can see that. I probably would be tired too if I packed everything, moved it all, got on a plane and then unpacked everything within 48 hours. It is very plausible."

Pha nods his head in agreement.

I quickly change topics before they can try and ask any more questions. "So, have you ordered for me yet or are you waiting for me to get here?"

Pha replies, "We were waiting for you get here."

I quickly look through the menu as Kit motions the server to come take our order. In no time, we have our breakfast and leave to go to campus.


At lunch, Pha suddenly demands, "Oh, I nearly forgot. I have to start going to the moon and star practices tonight. You guys are coming with me to keep me company."

Kit quickly smirks and asks while looking at me, "Ai'Pha, are all the previous moons going to be there?"

Pha isn't paying attention to Kit as he eats his lunch. "Yeah, they will be there. Ai'Forth and I have to be there at every practice though since we are the previous campus moon and runner-up."

Kit smiles an evil grin at me and I think I just felt my stomach do a couple flips. I don't even have to ask. I already know that Kit is fully aware of the weird effect Forth has on me. I'm not into guys but for some reason Forth seems to get to me. I still don't know why. I haven't said anything to the guys, but Kit has figured it out.

Great!! Now, I have to stand around with Forth during these practices for weeks while Pha fulfils his campus moon responsibilities. What am I going to do? Maybe I'll bury myself in my studies while I'm there. Well, I better figure something out and soon.

Oh, I forgot to tell them that I have a name for my step-brother this morning. I quickly announce, "My step-brother's name is Wayo, Wayo Panitchayasawad."

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