Chapter 80

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I forgot mention it with my last chapter, but we sailed past 75,000 reads this week and we are fast approaching 80K.  I'm so thankful and honored to have such great readers who continue to support me through to the end of the story.  Thanks and I love you guys.


I can't believe that my mother demanded for me to come home and bring Ming. What is going on that I just have to go home right now. I still didn't want to take Ming home with me. Yes, I know that I have met his parents several times now, but I just didn't want to take him home yet. No, I'm not ashamed of Ming, but I just didn't want to share him with my family yet. It is hard to explain it, but I wanted us to stay in our own little world for a while longer before we do all the formal meetings. I think in the back of my mind, I'm still afraid that Ming will run away from me if I push things too fast.

I have fallen so hard for Ming and if I have to say it, I already know that he is the one. My perfect top that I have been waiting for. I don't want anyone else but him and that is also why I don't want to take him to meet my family yet. I don't want them to mess this up for me, especially after that horrible night at the movies with my brother.

"P'Kit, everything is going to be all right. If your brother does anything, I will handle it. Don't worry." Ming reaches over and gently rubs my leg while he is driving.

I gently put my hand on top of Ming's hand and I softly mumble, "I hope so."

I can't stop my mind playing tons of possible scenarios. All are worse than the previous one and I can't seem to stop any of them. Regardless of the things running through my head, there is one thing that I'm positive and 100% sure about, and that is that I'm not giving up Ming and our relationship for anything. He is my one true love and I believe that I'm his.

I spend the rest of the car ride staring out the window and trying to keep my mind from wondering about what is going to happen next. Occasionally, Ming would bring me back to reality but most of the car ride is spent in my own little world.

As we pull up to my family's home, I mentally cringe at the small house. After being in Yo's mansion and hearing about the type of house that Ming lives in, my family's little house just dulls in comparison. I have never thought about it before now and I don't know why all of a sudden that that thought pops into my head, but it does.

I sit for a moment just staring at my house.

Ming begins to rub my leg. "P'Kit, are you ready to go in?"

"I don't know, but I guess I have to whether I'm ready for not." I take a deep breath and I reach for the door handle. I guess I might as well get it over with, but if my brother does something stupid, I can't promise that I'm not going to kick his butt.

I get out of the car and I take a couple steps forward as Ming dashes around the car and is now walking next to me. Ming slowly reaches for my hand and he intertwines our fingers as he holds my hand.

Oh, I love this, just Ming and me. Nothing else in the world matters but the fact that we are together.

Suddenly, I stop dead in my tracks. Ming instantly asks, "Is something wrong, P'Kit?"

I turn and look lovingly into Ming's eyes. Before we go into my parent's house, I want to say this without any interruptions.

I smile at Ming's worried face and I can't help but to love him even more for how much he worries about me. I need him to know exactly what he means to me before my family tries to throw a kink into our relationship.

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