Chapter 8

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Wayo POV

Oh, this is the longest night that I have ever had. I keep doing the same thing over and over again, so we can learn the dance routine. However, I can't slack off anymore. Forth caught me playing around and right after I put my phone await, he lectured me about the competition. He even pulled the 'I'm disappointed' card and then he followed it with the 'make me proud' card. He knows that I can't tell him no. He is my idol and I want him to be proud of me. So, here I am paying attention and trying to make Forth proud of me. I guess if he can get runner-up, so can I.

All the previous moons and stars are outside when we finally are allowed to leave, so it is just the freshmen. Ming quickly bounces over to me, "Yo, so what do you think? Are you actually going to try now?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "I have to. P'Forth caught me playing around and I promised him that I would give it my all, just to make him proud. Why do I have to idolize him? The bad part is that someone, I wonder who, told him that he is my idol, and he uses it to his advantage in situations like this. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm still friends with you."

Ming smiles and chimes, "Best friends. Not just friends, but best friends, and you know that you can't live without me. You would be bored."

I chuckle, "Maybe you're right." I shake my head at Ming and I finish getting my things.

As Ming and I are walking towards the door, it suddenly opens, and Shane walks in. He shouts, "Yo, you ready to go back to the dorms?"

As I'm trying to say that I'm fine, I accidentally stumble over my over two feet. Luckily, I didn't fall flat on my face, but Shane immediately ran to me. He quickly asks, "Yo, are you all right? Do you need me to carry you?"

Ming chuckles, "P'Shane, Yo isn't that bad. He is just tired like me from all the dancing that we have had to do for the last two hours."

Well, I'm not like Ming with never ending energy and I'm going to be a big baby. I quickly pout and say, "I'm tired but if you want to carry me, I'll let you." Shane immediately turns around and squats down. I don't even think twice about it and I immediately jump on Shane's back. Shane grabs hold of my legs, so I don't fall, and he slowly stands up. I can't resist as I tease Ming by sticking my tongue out at him as I wrap my arms around Shane's neck.

Ming immediately whines, "Hey, I want to be carried too. What about me?"

As we walk through the door, I tease, "Ming, if you want to be carried too, go ask P'Forth. I'm sure he will carry you." I start laughing and kicking my feet around.

I turn to look for Forth and I can see his back. He is talking to someone who is actually taller then him, which is a first. Forth is pretty tall himself and there are few people that are actually taller than him. I don't get to see the guy's face since his back is to us. I wonder who he is.

I quickly yell out to Forth, "P'Forth, Ming wants you to carry him. P'Shane and I are going back to the dorms. Bye!" Even though I know that Forth isn't looking, I still wave my hand and Shane waves a hand, too, as we walk down the sidewalk and away from the building. When we get to the car, Shane gently puts me down and I quickly get into the car. Within minutes, we are driving down the road and I quickly fall asleep.


Beam POV

As soon as Yo and his friends come out of the building, I knew this wasn't going to end well. Yo is on the back of one of his friends but what irritates me is what Yo yells out to Forth. When he yells that Forth should carry his other friend, I instantly got mad. Wait! Why am I getting mad? I don't have any reason to get mad. Oh, I'm mad on behalf of Kit. The other boy wanting to be carried and who is pouting, is the one that Kit likes. Yeah, that is it. It has nothing to do with Forth.

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