Chapter 53

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Pring POV

I've been in this stupid mountain village for over a week now and I want to go home. Like is the worst. There is no signal, so I can't use my phone and the house phone is so old that I don't think it works all the time. Plus, there is no data or internet with it. All I can do is talk. Like boring.

Then I have all these blisters all over my hands and my feet hurt. In addition, I have cuts and scratches all over my hands, arms and legs that make me look just ugly. I have never in my life had a cut or scratch and now look at this. I have them all over. If these leave scars everywhere, I'm going to make my mother and grandparents pay to have them fixed. UGH!!

Don't even get me started on the clothes that they are forcing me to wear. At this point, I could live with last season's clothes, but this is not even this decade. I think these were clothes that my mother or even my grandmother wore when they were younger. This is just so embarrassing.

I would go out and buy new clothes but guess what. There isn't a mall or even a decent clothing store here. I can't even believe that the town doesn't have some sort of clothing store. This is just shocking.

The worst part of it all is that I haven't been able to see my Pha. I miss hearing his voice and I'm sure that he is missing me. We often saw each other in the morning and I can't help but to wonder if he is eating okay. I'm sure that him missing me is making it hard for him to eat. Oh, I can't have that. I can't have him losing weight because he is longing to see me.

I really have to find a way to get to the city. I tried to get my grandparents to cave and send me back, but that back fired. They ended up making me do more of those stupid chores. Do I even look like someone who can even do chores? NO! No, I don't.

I kept telling them to go hire someone to do this, but they just kept telling me that that is what I was here for. UGH!!! Why don't they ever listen to me?

I'm going to try one more thing before I find some way to get down this mountain and back to civilization. Let's hope this works. I really don't know if I can survive another day here.


Mr. Kongthanin POV

Okay, I think things are starting to look up for me. I couldn't get a meeting with either of the companies that voted along with my father, but I was able to get a meeting setup with one of the executives from each of the companies. I'm hoping that this will work. Then I will be one step closer to getting my hospital back.

I continue to look through more emails and I'm still irritated that Mr. Wijitan went along with my father's request to stop the arranged marriage. Why would my father do something like that? I was trying to do it for the benefit of the family. My father keeps saying that Pha didn't agree to the arrangement, but I keep reminding him that I'm the father and that I make the decision, not Pha. However, my father just can't understand what I'm saying, or he doesn't want to believe it. He keeps siding with Pha and stating that Pha should have a say in whoever he marries. UGH!! He is so infuriating.


I grab my phone and I notice that it is my old friend. "Hello. How are you doing, my friend?"

Laughter immediately explodes from my phone. "Did I not warn you? I told you that you better rethink what you were doing, but you didn't listen. I don't know Mr. Panitchayasawad very well, but I definitely know my ex-wife, and she doesn't let go very easily. Once she clamps onto something she is going to make sure it goes her way. See what happens when you don't listen to me. Now, you are sitting at home and you have lost control of your hospital. What do you plan on doing now? Are you going to be smart and abide by Mr. Panitchayasawad's wishes or are you going to continue to buck the system? I would strongly recommend to you to obey Mr. Panitchayasawad's request or should I say, demands. You will be able to get back what you have lost much sooner that way."

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