Chapter 20

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Beam POV

I can't believe that I just let myself be the bottom. However, while I was in the heat of the moment, I wanted Forth to claim me and not the other way around. Maybe someday, I'll claim Forth but for now, I'm happy but I don't know if I'll be able to walk properly tomorrow. Forth kept giving me lessons for over 3 hours and it was my first time with a man. I have had sex with plenty of women and I have never felt this loved or this happy after having any of my one-night stands. This is what people are referring to when they would tell me that love makes everything better. I used to just joke and say, "Yeah, right. I will never love anyone, and I have good sex." Well, after tonight, all those previous flings dull in comparison. Plus, I have never went for seconds or even thirds like I did tonight. I was never into a girl that much to want to do it with her again. I'm sure Forth was the same way.

I lovingly look at Forth, who has his arms wrapped around me and who is staring at me right now. He tenderly smiles at me and asks, "What are you thinking about?"

I don't want to confess yet, but I want to see if my hunch is correct. "Baby, have you ever had as many rounds with any of your previous flings as you have had with me tonight?"

Forth raises an eyebrow and replies, "Well, I will be honest, babe. I have never had anyone that can handle me like you did. So, no. I usually only go one round and that is it. Why?"

I quickly kiss Forth. "That is what I thought. You are just like me. I usually only go one round with my flings but with you, I wanted more. Oh, I wanted so much more. I guess everyone was right."

Forth quickly kisses back. "Right about what, baby?"

I blush as I say, "Love makes everything different. Some even told me that love makes it better."

Forth smiles and as he leans into my face and whispers, "Love differently makes it better." Forth then slams his lips onto mine in another passionate kiss.

I can't help but to wonder what other things are better with love.


Ming POV

I don't understand why I feel like I'm missing something. I'm getting plenty of phone numbers and I even got an evening nightcap, if you know what I mean, last night. But, for some reason, it was the first time that I didn't feel fulfilled afterwards. I don't know what is going on with me.

It is Friday night and I can't help but to feel sad every time I come to the moon and stars practice. I just can't put my finger on it. Well, it feels odd that Kit and Beam aren't here. I don't know why Kit stopped coming. I was being honest that I don't know what I feel about having a guy trying to court me, but I didn't say that I wouldn't accept him. I just said that I didn't know.

I know that Kit was upset because Forth thumped me on the head three times the next day. He said two of them are for Pha and Beam who wanted him to teach me a lesson. I still don't understand what the lesson would be for. I didn't lie, and I told the truth. Usually you teach people to do those two things. So, what lesson was I supposed to learn? I wish someone who explain it to me.

Our practice session is finally over and Yo skipping over to me. "Ming, what are you going to do tonight? Are you going to go to the bar? Don't forget that we have practice tomorrow. Luckily it is in the afternoon, but we still have to go."

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