Chapter 67

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

You're fortunate that the weather prevented me getting out to do what I was planning on doing today.  I was able to have time to write.  

Mr. Panitchayasawad POV

Last night was wonderful. Not only did I get to spend time with our sons and their friends, but the crazy witch was captured, and we can now cross one problem off of our list. However, we still have Pha's father to deal with, but this shouldn't take too long to get him under control and my wife is more than eager to get it done.

Right now, we have another event to handle. We are having the Fairy Angel gang over for lunch. This group of kids has really got me intrigued. I can't even imagine what type of group that they are. I wasn't that powerful when I was their age, so I want to know how they did it. How did they get all those stores and restaurant to cooperate in blacklisting Pring and her family along with Pha's parents? I'm sure this will be a very interesting lunch.

"Honey, what time are the Fairies supposed to be here. Oh, I can't hardly even say that. Why would anyone want to be called Fairies?"

Bella laughs and pats my arm. "They should be here any minute. Remember baby Wayo said that we will know when they are here by all the screaming."

I just don't understand. Why would Wayo and Shane talk about screaming? Maybe a wow but I just can't see anyone screaming when they arrive.

As I'm about to open my mouth and say something, I'm startled by high pitch screeching coming from the front door. "What in the world is that?"

Bella chuckles as her and I head for the front door. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that that is the Fairy Angels' grand entrance."

As I cover my ears, I look towards the front door and sure enough, a group of boys along with one girl come dashing through the front door and Wayo is happily greeting them.

They are all squealing at once, so I can't tell who is saying what, but it is kind of funny.

     "OMG!! Ai'Cutie this is a mansion not a house!!"

     "Ai'Cutie this is your house??"

     "Ai'Bitch!! You didn't tell us that you could introduce us to rich men!!!"

     "Ai'Cutie, don't tell me that you grew up here!!!"


I can't control my laughing as this group of boys are throwing their arms all over the place. I quickly glance over to Bella and I see that she is having the same problem. I still don't understand how this group of boys was able to accomplish such a thing with little to no effort based on what Wayo said.

Bella and I watch in amazement as the boys and the lone girl greet the others which I think is our cue to go and introduce ourselves. I put my hand around Bella's waist and we slowly walk forward.

"Son, when you said that we would know when your friends were here by all the screaming, I guess you were right."

Yo quickly chirps, "Dad. Ma. I would like to introduce my friends. This is Ai'Montree, Ai'Jay, Ai'Zee, Ai'Elephant, and Ai'Nate. Ladies this is my dad, Mr. Panitchayasawad and my stop-mom, Bella. Ladies, Bella is also P'Beam's mother, which if you haven't figured out, that means that P'Beam and I are brothers."

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