Chapter 77

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

It has been a crazy day and I didn't say it in my thank you, but I'm surprised that I can even write tonight.  Usually the weather here this time of year is pretty calm, but not tonight.  I was driving back to the house and I was about 20 miles away, when I had noticed that the clouds were looking really nasty.  Before I could check the clouds out too much, my car starts beeping and the little automated woman comes on telling me that I'm in a tornado warning and that I should go seek shelter.  Well, about that time, the wall of rain and strong winds hit my car and I couldn't see anything.  The funny part is I called Shane (through my car) and asked him where the tornado is and he had no idea.  Well, he didn't help me at all.  When I got home, I saw pictures of the funnel clouds over the town that I had left before I hit the storm.  Even though I grew up with tornados, I'm still not used to them and this was a little too close for comfort.  Anytime the clouds turn that nasty greenish color, I know it isn't good. 

Okay, enough about my crazy day, let's get onto the story.


Oh, I'm getting really nervous. My father's meeting is tomorrow, and I wish I was in the meeting but then again, I'm glad that I'm not. My mother and grandfather will be there, and I'm sure the shocked look on my father's face when those two walks into the room will be priceless. However, I don't want to actually see my father be hurt. I know. How can I even think like that after everything that he has done to me, but I can't help it. I know that Yo knows exactly what I'm feeling. He went through it for years when he thought that his father had abandoned him. My father may be a complete jerk and idiot, but he is still my father and I want him to be happy. Unfortunately, in this situation, it will never happen.

I know that I have come to terms with that fact, but I still don't want to see it happen right in front of my eyes. That is still too hard on me.

My friends can tell that it is getting to me and Yo is trying his hardest to keep me thinking about other things, but I just can't stop my mind from worrying about it.

Everyone is now in Yo's room trying to keep me entertained after we all went out for supper together. I'm so glad that I have such wonderful friends.

Shane pulls out a deck of cards as the rest of us setup to play some poker. I get to teach my baby exactly how to play, but I don't know if he will be good at it or not. Yo can't seem to hide his emotions and poker is all about being able to not show everyone what is in your hand.

Park grabs some beers from the refrigerator and as he walks back to the group, he asks, "So, I'll be the brave sole to ask. Ai'Pha, are you ready for tomorrow? Do you even know what your mother and grandfather are going to say to your father?"

Lam instantly hisses, "Idiot!! We are supposed to keep his mind off of it and not bring it up. Really!"

I quickly say, "Ai'Lam, don't worry. I think it helps more to talk about it than to ignore it." I take a deep breath to calm myself down and Yo is being his sweet self by rubbing my leg. He doesn't have any idea how much this really helps me. "I know what is going to happen. My father is going to find out that he isn't going to get his way and that he is losing this fight. What I don't know if what my grandfather and my mother are going to do. My mother made a comment that she is going to end this once and for all, but I'm not sure exactly what that means. I agree with her that both her and I have suffered a lot through the years because of my father's greed."

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