Chapter 78

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

The big meeting with Pha's father and the "executives" is here.

Mr. Kongthanin POV

Today's the day that I start taking my life back. I just know that everything will work out. It won't take much for me to get those executives to see my point and to side with me. Then, I can start getting my hospital back and everything will just fall into place. This is going to be the best day ever.

I review my files and my document one more time. Yes, this is probably one of the best plans that I have ever developed. Its kind of even surprised me. Well, I have to admit that it has been years since I felt this determined to think about things like this but I'm sure that it will all be worth it. Just a little bit longer and all this work will have been worth it.

After I make sure that everything is perfect, I put all my stuff in my bag and I take one last look at myself in the mirror. Not only do I want my documents to be perfect, but I also want to look perfect. I want the executives to be impressed with me.

Ah, I think I look rather charming and handsome. If only my wife was here to see me, I'm sure she would say the same thing.

Why isn't she home? It is early in the morning and once again the house is really quiet. Where is she going all the time? Its not like she has a job or something that she has to go to. Oh, I'll wear the suit all day, so she can see me when she gets home.

Okay, I think I've got everything, I grab my stuff, and I proudly walk out of the house.

I confidently walk through the restaurant towards the private dining area that I have begun to hate, but today, I believe it will be my new beginning. I stop for a moment when I reach the door, and I take a deep breath. Okay, this is it.

I slowly slide the door open and I walk in.

I'm initially shocked that it is still just the cold nasty witch that I normally deal with and there isn't anyone else in the room yet. I thought that I was meeting with the other executives.

As I walk across the room to my normal seat, I calmly ask, "Are the others coming?"

Without looking up from her tablet, she coldly replies, "Yes. They will be here soon, plus a couple more people."

A couple more people? What does that mean?

I don't want to irritate her and start the meeting on the wrong note, so I simply sit down. "Hello, Bella. It is nice to see you again."

Bella continues, like always, reading stuff on her tablet without looking up at me which in my mind is very rude, but once again, I don't say anything. She coldly replies, "Hello. We will start as soon as the others get here."

I don't want to upset or irritate her, but I must know exactly what will happen to day. I need to know exactly how much time that I will get to do my presentation, so I hesitantly ask, "Another 15 minutes today or do I get more?"

Bella doesn't even look away from her tablet. I'm really starting to hate that stupid tablet. "We will see. The others will decide that when they get here."

Well, I guess that is all I'm going to get out of her.

I take my documents out of my bag and I set them on the table. I guess I'm still on my own even though Bella is here. I don't get the impression that she will be helping me anytime soon.

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