Chapter 21

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I'm sure you all know who is meeting up with Yo, Ming and Shane at the bar.  I have to admit that for once, I got stuck on what to have the guys do because I didn't want to use anything from my other stories.  I hope it is still funny though.  Enjoy.

Shane POV

I'm so irritated with Pha right now. He came on so strong with Yo and then he literally slammed the door in Yo's face. Who would do that to Yo? Well, I guess an arrogant jerk named Pha.

Tonight, I'm not going to let Yo get worked up about it anymore. We are going to have fun and I'm going to make sure that Yo forgets about that idiot for at least a few hours. I have a feeling that I know which friends are coming and they will definitely make Yo laugh and hopefully forget for a while. The group is just plain crazy, but I have to admit that I like them too. This will be interesting because Ming hasn't met them yet. I can't wait to see Ming's face when they get here.

After we have all freshened up and put on clean clothes for the night out on the town, I drive to the bar. I purposed took Yo's phone from him earlier. I didn't want him telling Pha anything about tonight. Pha needs to realize what he has done and Yo needs a break from the tension and stress.

Once we enter the bar, we quickly find a large table in the back which is perfect. We can see everything from there and we are out of the way in case, Yo's friends decide to get a little crazy. Which, I'm sure they will get crazy at some point in the night and I want to be away from the main area when that happens. Granted, I don't know them very well yet, but I just get this vibe that they are some wild and crazy guys, of excuse me, ladies. I keep forgetting and they keep correcting me when I say it wrong.

We get our first drinks and as we begin talking, a loud squeal suddenly stops us in mid-sentence. Ming looks at us and asks, "What was that?"

I chuckle. "N'Yo's friends are here."

Suddenly a group of guys comes trotting to our table, as they all squeal at the same time.

     "Ai'Cutie!! Where are all the hotties??"

     "I can't believe Ai'Cutie finally asked us out for the night!!"

     "Ai'Cutie Pie, I'm so excited. You better not steal all the hotties."

     "Ai'Cutie P', you better be buying us some drinks."

As soon as the group reaches the table, they all stop and stare at Ming. Oh, this is going to be funny. I can't wait to see what they do to Ming. As soon as I heard the first squeal, I turned of my video recorder on my phone and I have been recording this whole thing. I'm not going to miss a thing. This is going to be priceless.

Ming looks a little confused and slowly says, "Hello. I'm Ming. Yo's best friend."

Immediately, Montree pushes Jay out of the way and reaches across the table with his hand flipped down. "Hi gorgeous. I'm Montree."

Ming looks at me confused but I think I see a little fear in his eyes too. I motion for him to kiss the back of Montree's hand and Ming instantly turns on the charm. Ming looks back at Montree, smiles, and gently grasps Montree's hand before lightly kissing the back of it. Ming flashes another brilliant smile and softly says, "It is a pleasure meeting you." Ming slowly let's go of Montree's hand.

I watch in amusement as Montree instantly starts waving his hand in front of himself as if he is hot. Well, I'm sure Ming's little flirting has sent Montree into overdrive.

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