Chapter 46

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

For my readers in the United States, I hope you are having a fantastic Labor Day and I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday.    


I can't believe it. Ming is my boyfriend and we kissed. Not only that, we are going to be sleeping in the same hotel room tonight. OMG!! We are going to sleeping in the same hotel room. No! I didn't bring anything appropriate. I thought that I was going to be rooming with Pha. What am I going to do now? I can't let him see me in my ratty old t-shirt and boxers. Oh, this is so embarrassing. What is Ming going to think? No. No. No. Wait. What is Ming going to wear to bed? Is he going to wear actual pajamas or maybe just pants? Ohhhhh... If he only wears pants, will he think I'm silly for wearing a ratty old t-shirt?


I'm suddenly brought back down to earth and I think I've lost part of my hearing. UGH!!! "Ai'Shitty Beam! What the hell was that for?"

Beam chuckles. "Ai'Kitty, you seem to be thinking hard about something. Maybe I can help you. What are you thinking about? I think that I may have a hunch."

Beam wiggles his eyebrows at me and I'm sure he knows at least who I'm thinking about but I'm sure he doesn't know what I'm thinking about. I look down at the ground and bashfully say, "N'Ming. I was thinking about N'Ming."

Beam nudges me playfully and teases, "Oh, it wasn't just about N'Ming. Let me guess. You were probably worrying about tonight. Weren't you? I can only imagine what you were thinking but since you and N'Ming are sharing a room, I would wager a bet that it has something to do with sleeping. Ah, I think I know now. You were worried about those ratty clothes that you normally wear to bed. I still don't understand why you keep wearing them. They actually look like they are about to fall apart. You need to give them up and throw them away before there isn't any material left."

I immediately hiss, "I can't, and I won't. That shirt was the last thing that my grandfather gave me before he passed away. You know it has sentimental value to me."

Beam quickly counters, "If it is as such sentimental value to you, why don't you just fold it up and put it away for safe keeping. Why keep wearing it? It is going to wear out some day and then you will have to throw it away."

I slowly sigh and give in. "I know but it makes me feel like my grandfather is still here when I wear it. I can't seem to make myself wear anything else besides that at night. It comforts me."

Beam playfully nudges me. "Well, you can have N'Ming now be the one to comfort you instead."

What is he talking about? I just got Ming to agree to be my boyfriend. I'm not going to chase him away by throwing myself on him right away. He has never dated a guy before. I'm going to take it slow with him, so he can get used to the idea. However, he already seems perfectly fine kissing me, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Plus, I'm not that experienced. Don't get me wrong, I have had sex but just not a lot like Beam. Plus, I was always the top, but I already know that in this relationship, I'm the bottom which is new to me. Something that I really want, but I'm still technically a virgin in that area.

I quickly glare at Beam and playfully slap his arm. "Stop it. He just agreed to be my boyfriend and you already have me jumping into bed with him and having sex. I'm not going to take it that fast. I like a little slower pace."

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