Chapter 32

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A/N:  Well, I'm not very happy with this chapter.  I debated most of last night on whether to re-write it or not, but I was in a foul mood so I didn't it would turn out any better.  I tried to keep my anger out of my story but I'm sure it is still there.  I'm hoping today will be a better day to help make up for the extremely bad day I had yesterday.  Sorry, if this chapter isn't the best.

I'll stop rambling and apologizing.  I still hope that you will enjoy it.  

Beam POV

Oh, I definitely don't like what I heard at lunch today. If this is true, Pha is in for a war, bitch style. Well, who better to fight a bitch than another bitch. Since Pha and Forth are inside the practice hall with the moons and stars, I'm going to call the best person for the job.

I quickly pull out my phone and I make the call.


"Beamie, my boy!!! First a message over lunch and now you call me. I think this is the best day ever." My mother's voice is so cheery but it also is joking at the same time.

I immediately whine, "Mother! You should have known that I was going to call. Not only does this impact my best friend, Ai'Pha, but it also directly impacts my brother, N'Yo. I can't stand back and do nothing. So, have you had time to figure out whether Ai'Pring's family is the one pressuring Ai'Pha's father?"

My mother's cheery voice suddenly becomes dull and serious. "Son, it didn't take me long. Between me and your step-father, we quickly have confirmed that your hunch is correct. It looks like she is the one pushing her father for this and her father just gives in like always. I also heard that Mr. Dechapayna is on it too. We have already subtly informed the hospital board members what Pha's father is doing. Granted, we didn't come out and say we knew first hand, but they are now aware of what is going on."

Okay, this is good, but it is only a beginning. We need more than just this.

I quickly ask, "What is the next step? We need to get ready for Ai'Pring and her father to fight back. Do you have anything in mind?"

My mother chuckles. "Beamie, my boy. Do you really think that we haven't thought about that yet? We have multiple fronts that we are attacking on and it won't take long. First, I happened to be out to lunch with several influential women when I got your message and I laid the seeds of disgust with them first. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Mrs. Wijitan will soon be told that she is no longer invited to this week's charity event which you know that everyone who is anyone will be there. It is a subtle blow to her esteem, but it is an effective one. I think the same will go for the social event of the season next weekend where they will also be denied entry. This also goes for Mr. and Mrs. Kongthanin. If he wants a status boost, he is going to get the opposite and fall instead."

I'm not sure this will do much, but I hope it will be as effective as mother says. I hesitantly ask, "Are you sure, mother? Will this really work?"

"Oh, my baby Beamie. You still don't understand the working of high society and what will make women crumble to their knees. But, you should know that if the wife is upset or mad, then the husband is in trouble, if not pain. To resolve the issue, the husband will do whatever he needs to do to get back in good graces with his wife, that is if he loves his wife. I'm making the assumption that Mr. Wijitan loves his wife and will put her needs above N'Pring's. So, when Mrs. Wijitan is upset and wants her high society status back, her husband will do whatever it takes to make her happy. In this case, I'm hoping that Mr. Wijitan will give up on this arranged marriage with N'Pha."

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