Chapter 6

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and the initial meeting or somewhat meeting of everyone.  I hope you enjoy it.

I want to take a second and to thank everyone who is already reading my story.  I have said this before and I'll say it again, I feel so much love from my readers.  In less than 48 hours, I have already reached over 1,000 reads on this story.  That is amazing.  Thank you all and I love you guys.  

Wayo POV

I have tried several things to get out of being my facility's moon but none of them worked. I have been told by my seniors that there is nothing that I can do. I'm the moon and I have to follow through with the competition.

As Shane and I are walking up to the practice hall, Ming yells, "P'Shane, Yo, over here!"

Shane and I immediately wave back and walk to Forth and Ming. As we get close, Ming chirps, "Aren't you so excited about this? Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

I sarcastically answer, "Well, if you consider working for hours on a dance routine at night and having to pose for photoshoots and in your spare time practice for a talent portion, yeah, then it is loads of fun. Oh, did I forget the part that we don't have any weekend left because we are stuck in this hall practicing. That makes it supper fun!" I sarcastically smile and give Ming two big thumbs up.

Forth and Shane instantly start to laugh. Forth mocking adds, "Oh, that sounds like so much fun! Can I join? Wait, I forgot that I have to stand by and watch you guys. I just can't wait!"

Shane chuckles. "Come on, N'Forth. I'll be there so we will have loads of fun."

As we turn and walk towards the practice hall, none of us are paying attention to anyone else.

Ming whines, "Hey, it will be fun. I just know it."

As we pass by some tables, I tease, "Well, it may be fun for you when you are flirting with everyone, but it won't be fun for me. I wanted a nice relaxing and enjoyable college life. I still don't consider this competition as relaxing. It is going to take up all my spare time and I won't be able to go have any fun. This suck."

Shane pokes me in the stomach, "Ah, come on, Yo. This is a chance of a lifetime. You will only be able to do this once, so enjoy. Hey, maybe you can get a date out of it."

I slap Shane's hand away and roll my eyes. "Like that is why I'm going to college."

Forth chuckles, "Live a little N'Yo! You're only young once."

As we walk into the building, our group is still joking and playing around, and we are completely unaware of anyone watching us.


Beam POV

Oh, that was a close call. Luckily Forth walked right by me without even noticing that I'm here. However, for some reason, I have a tight feeling in my chest. I don't have a clue what that is or why I would. I'm sure it's nothing.

I look at Pha and he is just staring at the door to the building. I quickly ask, "Ai'Pha! Are you all right? Have you resolved your issue?" I point my finger towards his crotch as Pha looks at me wondering what.

He suddenly mumbles, "No. But, I know his name, now. It is Yo. It's cute just like him."

I chuckle and quickly scold, "Well, you better get it resolved soon. You have to go into that building and stand over to the side and watch over the nongs. If you can't control yourself when he walks by, how do you plan to control yourself when he is dancing around? You better think fast."

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