Chapter 60

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

On a side note, I would like to thank all my readers.  Yesterday, we blew past 50,000 reads and I couldn't have done it without you.  You guys are all amazing and I love to see the comments and the response I get from everyone.  It is those little things that keep me motivated and inspired to continue writing.  I love you guys and I hope to continue seeing you all the way through to the end of the book.  Thanks again for reading my story.  

Wayo POV

I still don't know how she did it, but somehow Beam's mother got all of us talked into staying at the mansion this weekend. Forth, Ming and I will go to the moon and star practices while the rest will stay at the mansion trying to keep Pha entertained. My dad decided that while the crazy Pring is running around on the loose, that it would be safer for Pha to stay inside the mansion. He was protesting until my dad told him that he will be staying in my room tonight. To say that I'm shocked is an understatement. Well, if we all want to stay close to each other in that wing of the mansion, we have to double or triple up in each of the rooms, so naturally he granted the couples to share a room. Well, it isn't like I haven't already stay in the same room with Pha over night, but this is in my house with my dad here. That is like really uncomfortable, but Pha didn't seem to mind. He immediately stopped protesting having to stay in the mansion the whole weekend.

Oh, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. We still haven't gone past some heavy making-out, but I still don't know if I'm ready for more. Don't get me wrong. I really want more but I'm scared. I don't know why, but I am.

Forth, Ming and I are walking up to the practice hall for our Friday practice when a sweet irritating voice calls out. I nearly catapult towards her wanting to rip her hair out, but we discussed this and we all agreed that we must act like we don't know what she is up to. My dad kept reminding us that he needed additional evidence. I don't know exactly what he is planning on doing but I'm sure it has something to do with putting her in jail.

"Ai'Forth, have you seen Ai'Pha? I need to talk to him and he isn't answering my messages or my phone calls." For once, I see her fake exterior starting to crack as she seems a little pissed.

Forth politely replies, "No, Ai'Pring, I haven't. I just got a message from him telling me that he wouldn't be at practice time. I didn't ask why."

None of us stop as we keep walking towards the building and we all try to ignore the crazy lady. However, she makes it hard to do when she suddenly runs in front of us and stops us. "I have to see and talk to him."

Ming coldly states, "P'Forth doesn't know and neither do we. Now, please excuse us. Yo and I have to get into practice before we are late."

Pring doesn't budge and goes to say something but our leader comes out of the building and shouts, "N'Ming and N'Yo, get in here now. N'Forth, I need you in here too. Hurry up."

Obeying our leader, we all quickly step around Pring and dash into the building while Pring huffs.

As soon as we get inside the practice hall and away from Pring, Forth quickly states, "I'll let everyone know that Ai'Pring is here. Concentrate on your practice and let me worry about Ai'Pring."

Ming and I both nod in agreement and jog over to the other moons and star to wait for the practice to begin.

I'm really glad that Pha didn't come with us tonight. Well, he hasn't come to the practices since Pring found him in the restaurant earlier this week, but this is the first time that she has tried to approach Pha here. I'm assuming that she is starting to get a little desperate and very frustrated. Pha has been really good at avoiding her this week. The university won't let her back into her classes because of the paperwork that her parents had already filed which I'm sure is adding to her frustration.

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