Chapter 16

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


This day is the probably the best day that I have ever had. I finally get to meet Yo and I think he is as much into me as I'm into him. Then he said yes to me when I asked if I could court him. Oh, that was the best and now I'm taking him back to his room. I'm so nervous. I still don't know what Yo is thinking and whether he will agree to be my boyfriend. Well, he didn't protest too much when I announced it to everyone back at the practice hall. He only disputed the fact that I haven't technically asked him yet, but I will. I will really soon. I don't know how long I can wait before I ask him. I'm just so nervous and I want him to be mine. I don't want anyone else to have the chance to come in when I'm not looking and swoop him away.

When we get to the dorm, I walk Yo up to his room. We stop outside our doors, since my room is exactly across the hall from his. I can tell that Yo is nervous and I know that he hasn't ever been in a relationship before, so this is probably a first. I wonder what he is thinking about. He is so lost in what is running through his head that he doesn't notice when I slowly pull his keys out of his trembling hands. Ah, he is just so cute. I want to calm his nerves but I'm also nervous too. I don't want to mess anything up.

Yo freezes in place as I smile at him, and then I slowly unlock his door and open it. As I slowly put my hand around Yo's waist, I mentally scream to myself, "I can't wait any longer. Ask him to be your boyfriend and kiss him. YES!!! OMG!! KISS HIM UNTIL YOU CAN'T ANYMORE!!!!" I quickly shake my head trying to get those thoughts out of my head, but I'm left with a low chant instead. "Kiss him! Kiss him! Hold him!"

I slowly push Yo into his room as I follow him inside. I chuckle as I watch Yo let his breath out. I think he was holding his breath. Oh, he must be really nervous. I close the door behind us and now we are alone in Yo's room.

I can't shake that low chant inside my head which keeps encouraging me to kiss Yo and hold him. I'm not going to ruin anything by going to fast for Yo. This is all new to him. He has never had a relationship which means that he probably has never even kissed anyone and I'm sure that he is a virgin just like me. I want to do this right. I'm going to do this right.

I'm going to talk with Yo for a little bit, so I guide him to the couch. Along the way, I put our bags down. Yo stops in front of the couch and he nervously looks at me, and oh, Yo is so cute and adorable right now. The low chant is starting to get louder in my head and it is now egging me on to kiss Yo.

I try to calm myself down as I smile sweetly at Yo, who slowly reaches out and grabs a handful of my shirt, as he bites his lower lip. What is he doing? He hasn't spoken to me at all, but I clearly telling that he is lost in his own thoughts since we got to the dorms. Why is he grabbing a hold of my shirt?

As I watch Yo biting his lip, my body takes over and it is happy to see Yo's sweet and innocent look. That blushing is just too adorable. Without even realizing it, I lick my lower lip and I watch in shock as Yo's hand that is gripping my shirt pulls me to him while his other hand quickly goes around the back of my neck and pulls my head down. Yo stands on his tiptoes and he quickly tilt his head. Before I can even register what is going on, Yo sweetly kisses me.

As soon as Yo's lips touch mine, the low chant in my head takes over and it begins to scream, "HE IS KISSING YOU!! KISS HIM BACK!! MAKE HIM YOURS!!" This time I allow my body to take over and I give in to the mental chants. I'm not going to let him get away, as I quickly wrap my hands around Yo's waist and I pull him hard against me. I'm going to make this first kiss one that Yo isn't going to forget anytime soon.

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