Chapter 61

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  The weekend at the mansion begins.  I'm sure you are all excited and you know what is going to happen.  I think I'm too predictable.  Maybe I should change it up a bit.  Or not.


I help Yo into the house, but he still is pretty shaken with everything that has happened. I know Forth was just doing what Yo's dad told him to do, but I wish he could have taken it a little easier. Yo can barely walk because his legs are shaking so much.

I take Yo to the dining room because Beam's mother prepared a big dinner for everyone. Yo's eyes instantly light up when he sees all the food and he get a little bit of his color back in his cheeks.

I chuckle to myself thinking that food can probably solve a lot of Yo's issues.

I set Yo down in a chair. I sit next to him as the rest of the group starts to find a seat.

Yo can't seem to take his eyes off the food and I'm sure he is trying to debate which food to eat first. Ah, baby is so cute when he is like this.

When everyone is seated, Yo's dad clears his throat and announces, "Everyone needs to thank Bella for the wonderful food that is on the table. My wife is a good cook but unfortunately, she works a lot so enjoy it while it is here. I'm sure she won't be able to fix meals like this all the time."

In unison, we all say, "Thank you Mrs. Panitchayasawad."

Beam's mother smiles with pride. "Okay that is enough. Now let's eat before it all gets cold."

The whole group begins dishing up food. Yo quickly grabs a bowl of something that smells really good while he is licking his lips and scoops up some of it and puts it on his plate. I chuckle at how cute and childish he is before I turn my attention to what I'm going to eat. I'm starving.

While we are eating, Yo's dad says, "I hate to do this but I'm going to request that you all stay here for the entire weekend until we can locate and catch the crazy witch. I don't know what she is actually capable of doing but she is becoming very desperate. If she can chase after N'Forth, N'Ming and Wayo, she is probably capable of doing anything. So, if there is something that you need, just ask the staff and they will go get it for you. I'm hoping that you all brought your books, so you can also study and do your assignments while you are here."

Everyone nods their head yes.

"Good. Also, I don't know if you all know this or not, but we are having Wayo's friends over tomorrow for lunch. I think you guys refer to them as Fairies."

Yo instantly stops eating and chirps, "Yes. They are known at school as the Fairy Angel gang and they are all excited about coming. They still don't know that the house isn't a house but a mansion so I'm going to warn you now. There will be a lot of screaming when they get here. And I mean a lot of screaming."

Shane chuckles. "Don't forget the fanning themselves, the slapping of each other and I'm sure they will be hugging Yo a lot. N'Pha will more than likely be swarmed by them along with the other guys. They are used to me now, so they don't try to pet me as much as they used to do."

I couldn't agree more. I'm trying to get them to calm down when I'm around them, but they just don't listen. I'm sure that the screaming will be more like ear popping screeches. Yo's dad and Beam's mother are in for a surprise. I just hope that they can handle it.

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