Chapter 79

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Forth POV

"P'Forth, stop worrying. Everything is going be all right. I'm positive that your family will love P'Beam." Yo tries to boost my spirits, but I just can't stop worrying. I'm also positive that Beam will win over my parents, but my dad is so unpredictable and like a loose cannon. You never know what he is going to do. The doubt is driving me crazy.

Beam gently rubs my leg and leans over to me and gently kisses my cheek. I don't take my eyes off the road as I hum, "Thanks, babe."

From the back seat Pha says, "We will all be there, so don't worry. Like I've said before, my father is the worst. Nothing can be as bad as my father, so stop worrying about it. We will get through this together."

Yo quickly chimes, "Yes, together."

I know that they are just trying to help but I still can't stop worrying about it. My dad has a way of putting a kink into my best laid plans. It is always when I think that nothing can go wrong and boom! There it is! I never know what it will be but there is always something.

For the Beam's sake, I try to let it go and I try to enjoy the moment with my friends and my precious Beamie. "Okay, together it is."

Beam happily chimes, "Good. Oh, speaking of together, I hate to ask, but Ai'Pha, did my mother tell you what happened at the meeting with your father yesterday?"

Pha's voice drop a little as he bluntly replies, "No. N'Yo's dad said that we would discuss it after we have this meeting with Ai'Forth's family. I tried to find out from my mother, but she said the same thing as N'Yo's dad. So, I have not choice than to wait and I'll find out later. I'm kind of nervous to know what happened, and I'm sure it isn't good."

Forth hesitantly asks, "I know this sounds stupid, but did you try talking to your father?"

Pha mumbles, "No. I haven't really talked to him for years, and the conversations that I've with him recently, I wouldn't call them conversations. It was more of whining and protesting his attempt to force me into that stupid arranged marriage. I usually talk with my mother."

Beam slowly says, "I guess you are just going to have to wait. It isn't much longer now and the only ones that we are missing from the group is Ai'Kit and N'Ming. By the way, what are they doing tonight?"

Yo quickly chirps, "P'Kit and Ming are going to visit P'Kit's family. Ming said that P'Kit got a phone call last night demanding that P'Kit stop stalling and bring his boyfriend home with him today. So, we all are doing the 'meet the family' thing today."

Beam sighs. "I hope everything goes well for Ai'Kit. I'm sure N'Ming with charm Ai'Kit's parents but I think his older brother will be the main problem. From what Ai'Kit has said, I think that P'Waii is either jealous or upset with Ai'Kit for some reason."

Pha quickly agrees. "Yes, but I don't know what his problem is. Maybe Ai'Kit is right. Maybe P'Waii is jealous that their parents have already accepted that Ai'Kit is gay when they don't even know that P'Waii has a boyfriend. That isn't Ai'Kit's fault and I'm sure that his parents would accept P'Waii and his boyfriend if they only knew about them. P'Waii isn't doing anything except digging himself a bigger hole."

I have to agree. I don't think that P'Waii's situation would be that bad as long as he confessed to his parents and let them know that Apo is his boyfriend. They aren't going to run Apo off or threaten him.

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