Bonus Chapter 1

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and the first part of the wedding.  Before you start, I have to admit that I turned this wedding into something really strange.  I don't know why I did it, but I did.  Okay, I know why and I'm sure you will know too after you read it.  Hopefully, it isn't too weird for you guys.  You know that my mind works in abnormally.  I hope you enjoy it.

The second half of the wedding will be in the next bonus chapter, plus the moment that you have all been waiting for.  

Beam POV

This is it. THE BIG DAY! The day that I get married to Forth. I can't believe that this is even happening.

A year ago, I would have told anyone who asked that I would NEVER get married. I didn't believe in marriage and that they always end in heartache and pain. However, look at me now. I'm standing here in my parent's mansion and I'm looking extremely handsome dressed in this designer tuxedo. I can only imagine what Forth looks like. I bet he looks sexy as hell right now in his tux.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Without waiting for an answer my mother and my two best friends walk into my bedroom.

My mother immediately chimes, "Oh, look at you. You are so handsome. Are you ready?"

Pha quickly adds, "We need to head down to the gardens. The ceremony is about to start."

I could tell the Pha is extremely nervous, but I don't think it has anything to do with my wedding. I think he is about ready to crumble after seeing how cute Yo is in his suit. Now, I'm not going to hold it against either of my friends if they use my wedding to propose to their boyfriends, but I would have wished that they would do something a little original. However, I can't see Pha waiting much longer. He is getting anxious to truly claim Yo, but Yo is holding out until they get married.

Shoot, I even helped both guys pick out rings, but neither one has gotten enough courage to actually pop the question yet. I'm hoping it will be soon.

I take one last look in the mirror as Kit scolds, "You look fine. Now, let's go."

As I turn back around to leave my bedroom, my mother quickly gives me a hug. "My baby Beamie is all grown up. You look so handsome today. Now, don't forget that I want some family pictures before you mess up your tuxedo and I've reminded your brother, so no partying until the pictures are done. I need something to hang up on the walls besides my wedding pictures."

I immediately smile as I can't stop thinking about my wedding pictures that will be hanging up in my house, well our house. My step-father has already showed us the house that he bought for Yo and I to live in next semester instead of the dorms and I didn't ask, but I'm assuming that Pha and Forth are going to live with us, too. There are enough rooms for Kit, Ming and Shane to live there also, but will they all want to live in the same house, even if it is a big house. I guess we will be asking them later tonight.

I look at my mother and chirp, "Don't worry. I'll remember. You are going to have Ai'Pha, Ai'Kit, N'Ming and P'Shane in the picture, too. Right?"

My mother gently rubs my arms. "Yes, but there will only be one with just the immediate family, along with N'Pha."

I raise one eyebrow and whisper, "They aren't married, yet."

My mother flashes a devilish smile and whispers back, "They will be soon."

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