Chapter 36

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Kongthanin POV (Pha's father)

I think I will be able to finally finalize the arranged marriage deal and I will soon be seeing the benefit of my hard work. Not only will my hospital be receiving a sizable donation from Mr. Wijitan but he will a nice addition to my hospital's board. His reputation alone should be enough to push my hospital above my rivals and I'm sure it won't take long before my hospital is the top in the country. Oh, who would have thought that one simple agreement regarding the marriage of my son would bring such benefit and prestige to my hospital.

Now, I need to get ready for the board meeting. It is too soon to introduce Mr. Wijitan to the board but I won't waste anytime once him and I have hammered out the terms and we have finalized the marriage. As soon as I have a press conference announcing Mr. Wijitan as a new board member and the marriage of our children, the hospital will immediately benefit from the good PR. I don't think that I can be any happier than I am now.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I don't bother to look up from my paperwork, since I want to make that I'm not missing anything for the board meeting, as I call out, "Come in."

My door opens and a friend of mine, Mr. Baramee, steps in and tentatively asks, "Is this a bad time?"

I quickly look up and I immediately chirp, "No. No. I'm just getting ready for the board meeting which is to start in about 15 minutes. What brings you this way? It has been awhile since we have talked."

Mr. Baramee confidently walks up to my desk and says, "Well, since we are friends, I thought this needed to be said face-to-face and not through email or phone call."

Okay, his has my full attention now. He has never been this serious when we have talked in the past. Granted, we aren't that close of friends but since our sons have been good friends for years, we have become closer friends, but I still wouldn't call him a really close friend. I wonder what he is going to say.

"I don't have any really good way of saying this so I'm just going to come out and say it. The committee has pulled your name for this weekend's social event and several of them are on the committee for next week's event. They have also told me that your name has been pulled from that event also. So, please don't humiliate yourself by showing up and we have to reject at the door. If you wife is anything like mine, she is going to try and go, but I'm telling you as a friend, she won't be allowed to enter. It will just end up being a totally humiliating event. So, please try to prevent her from going."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. He didn't say what I think he said, did he? There is no way that they would have removed our names from these upcoming social events. There is just no way.

Confused, I quickly ask, "Are you sure? There isn't any reason for them to remove us from the guest list."

Mr. Baramee suddenly gets really serious. "According to the committee, people have been made aware of somethings that you are doing which they don't approve of. More importantly, they aren't approved of by Mr. Panitchayasawad and Mr. Dechapayna. So, if they don't approve, the rest of the high society doesn't approve."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Why would those two men have any concern about what I'm doing with my son.

I quickly question, "Are you sure that it is Mr. Panitchayasawad and Mr. Dechapayna that are disapproving of something that I've done? I don't have any idea what would be so bad that they would voice dislike for it."

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