Chapter 54

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


I really don't know about this. I think it is a little too soon. I don't want to give my grandfather a heartache but Yo's dad keeps on insisting that this is for the best. I really don't know. Plus, I'm not telling Yo that his dad is going to be at this meal. I don't want to do anything that will get Yo mad at me. I can't live if Yo gives me the cold shoulder or even worse, breaks up with me over this. I just don't know.

"P'Pha, why are you so nervous about having a meal with your grandparents. Shouldn't I be the one that should be nervous. I'm the one being introduced to your grandparents tonight as your boyfriend."

Yo's beautiful face usually calms me down, but not tonight. If this all falls apart, I may not be able to see that gorgeous face up close ever again. This is just so hard. Why does this have to be hard?

If Yo and his dad had already mended their relationship, this wouldn't be a problem. I would be more than willing to go out to eat with both my family and Yo's, but that isn't the situation right now. Yo's dad is desperately trying to heal Yo's broken heart and get Yo to open back up to him, which isn't an easy task.

At least, I got Yo's dad talked into not bringing Beam's mother. Yo needs to handle this with baby steps and immediately pushing Beam's mother at Yo, may be a little too much. I can tell that Yo has wormed his way into her heart and she may even love Yo more than she loves her own son, which Beam seems to have picked up on it too. But, who wouldn't fall in love with Yo. He is the best little cutie that I've ever seen.

I nervously pace back and forth as I mumble, "I'm just hoping that my grandparents will be all right with me having a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. I don't know what I'll do if they can't accept it." Suddenly realizing what is at stake tonight, I pop my head up and stare at Yo. With fear intertwined in my words, I whisper, "I can't live without you, baby."

Okay, I'm in full blown panic mode now. I hadn't even thought about my grandparents not allowing me to date a guy and not just any guy, but the love of my life, Yo. No, this can't be happening. I won't let anyone tear me away from Yo. It isn't going to happen.

As I'm lost in my own thoughts, Yo's warm arms slowly wrap around my waist as his warm breath slides across my neck. "P'Pha, it will be all right. I'm going to be right there. Nothing is going to tear us apart. Okay. Now calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out."

Through my panic-stricken thoughts, Yo's voice is almost like a homing beacon showing me the way. As I begin to listen to his soft and gently voice and follow his commands, my breathing begins to slow down, and a calm begins to push the panic and the fear out of my mind.

Yes, Yo and I will get through this together. Plus, I also just remembered that Yo's dad is fully supporting our relationship and he won't let anyone tear us apart.

I slowly take a deep breath and I calmly wrap my arms around Yo. I think I'm calm now, and I've got the confidence that I was needing to get through this night, now. I tenderly say, "Thanks, baby. You know exactly what I needed." I lean forward and kiss Yo's forehead. I don't want to let go of him just yet. I want to take a few more minutes to just enjoy this.

After a couple minutes, Yo finally says, "Uhm, P'Pha. I think we should get going. I don't think we want to be late to this meal. I don't want your grandparents to have any reason to not like me."

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