Chapter 62

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A/N:  I don't know what happened but my chapter 62 disappeared when I went in to upload chapter 63.  So I'm reuploading it.  UGH!!  Very frustrating.

Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

I'm still not feeling the greatest after that horrible car ride. The food that Beam's mother fix was amazing, and I was able to eat but my stomach still won't stop tossing and turning. As everyone is having fun, I slowly make my way to my room. I think I'll just go to bed early and maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

I take the back way just like I use to do when my mother was here. I stop to look out at the beautiful garden and I remember when my mother and I would spend hours sitting in the garden and doing nothing but talk and joke around. Oh, how I miss my mom. Why am I thinking about her so much tonight? Maybe it is because I almost went to be with her today form that terrible car ride. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it felt like I was going to die any second while it was happening.

As I stare out at the garden, I sudden remember the last time that my mother and I were able to enjoy time in the garden together. She wasn't feeling well at the time, but she was trying to stay at home as long as she possibly could before she had to be moved to the hospital where she spent the last days of her life.

I was trying to have a normal conversation, but I just couldn't do it. I kept crying and mumbling that I didn't want her to die. Even though I know that she was fighting the illness as best as she could, I still wasn't coming to terms with her impending death. Well, what child would?

As I stand lost in my own little world remembering my good times and the not so good times with my mother and how we loved this garden, I suddenly feel a light tap on my back. I slowly come back to reality and I turn to see my step-mother smiling at me. She gentles asks, "Are you remembering your mother?"

I nod my head. "Yes. We loved coming to the garden or like this just staring out at it. I don't think my dad even knows that this corridor even exists. My mom and I were the only ones, well besides the staff, that would come down this hall."

My step-mother smiles. "Well, your dad may not have known about this hallway while your mom was alive, but I find him out here all the time anymore. I'm sure he is doing exactly like you are right now which is thinking about and remembering your mom. If my assumption is correct, I think he knew about this hall when your mom was alive, and he would probably stand in here and watch both you and your mom while the two of you were in the garden."

I slowly shake my head as I sadly say, "I don't think so. I never saw him, and I doubt if he thought about me after my mom died. He could only think and grieve about my mom. I didn't exist at the time."

My step-mother slowly starts to rub my back and gently replies, "He still thought about you, but he was too lost in his own grief that he forgot about the fact that he had a son. Your mom was the center of his universe and it suddenly was gone. He didn't know what to do. I have been so happy seeing that your relationship with your dad is slowing getting rebuilt. I don't want you to prevent it from getting completely rebuilt by your own hatred for what he did after your mom's death. I hope that you can completely forgive him. I want to have that relationship back that you used to have but the only difference is I'm here instead of your mom. I know that I can never replace your mom, but I would like to try and be like a mother to you. Can you give both me and your dad a chance? Please, baby wayo."

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