Chapter 26

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Wayo POV

We are all in the car and heading out to have some fun this afternoon, when I decide to ask my friends for help. I bashfully ask, "Hey, guys. Can I ask a favor before we go and have fun?"

Shane quickly answers, "Sure. Not a problem, Yo. What do you need?"

I don't know if they are going to like this or not, but I really want my manga. Somehow, the movers managed to accidentally send several boxes of my manga to the house, but I was so bored the other night and I couldn't read anything. I wasn't going to re-read my textbooks. That isn't any fun at all. I may be a nerd but I'm not that big of a nerd.

I hesitantly ask, "Can we go to my house and get several boxes. The movers accidentally sent them to the house instead of dropping them off at my dorm room."

Ming chirps, "Yo, it has been a long time since I've been to your mansion. I would love to go, even if it is just a quick trip."

Forth and Shane are both confused, and Shane is also worried. Shane slowly asks, "Yo, is your dad going to be there?"

I shake my head. "No. He is currently out of the city on business. The only person that may be there is my step-mother but I'm hoping to sneak in and get out before she sees me. Come on, guys. I don't want to do it by myself and it is a waste to pay the movers to go back and retrieve the boxes. From what the staff says, my dad's wife is usually out of the house on Saturday afternoons, especially if my dad isn't home. It will be really fast. Please."

Forth smiles at me and pats my shoulder. "I'll do it. Like you said, it shouldn't be that long, and we shouldn't run into any problems. But, if we do, I'll be right there to help you."

Ming perks up in his seat and chirps, "Count me in. I can't resist going back to the mansion. Yo, do you remember all the fun we used to have there? Playing hide-n-go seek was a blast at your place. Half the time, we couldn't find each other because there were just too many places to hide."

I chuckle, "I remember you scaring the maids when you popped out from under the bottom shelf in the pantry. You really scared our cook that he even dropped his cake on the floor, and it was my favorite, too. I was mad at you for weeks, but mom wasn't. She was just glad that we were having fun."

Shane interrupts and boldly states, "I will be right next to you, Yo. If your dad happens to be there, I will protect you. Plus, I still don't trust him."

Before I can say anything, Ming calmly says, "Uncle won't do anything while we are there. Yo is safe as long as we are standing beside him. Right, Yo."

"Right. My dad wouldn't dare try anything with others standing around. Plus, the only thing that I can see him try to do is to get me to meet his wife and her son. I'm still avoiding that. Oh yeah, he is still bugging me about a family picture and I keep telling him no." I try to run through all the other things that my dad and I have talked about, but I can't seem to remember anything else. For some reason, when it comes to my dad, I can't remember anything after we talk. I think my mind still isn't ready to try and give him another chance so it is just ignoring everything that my dad tells me.

So, with everyone in agreement to help me, I put the mansion's address into the car's GPS and Shane starts following the car's instructions. It doesn't take long for us to get there, and when Shane pulls up to the gate with wide eyes, he mumbles, "I forgot how rich you are, Yo. I agree with N'Ming. This is a mansion and not a house."

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