Chapter 45

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Well, my mind took a weird turn at the end of this chapter and I was going to re-write it but I decided that I would just roll with it.  I hope it isn't too weird.  

Now remember, this is at the end of the week and several days after Ming chased away a guy trying to court Kit.

Ming POV

I'm really bummed that I don't get to share a room with Yo. I'm also very worried. Yo doesn't like having to share anything and asking him to share a bed with someone that he doesn't know too well is going to be difficult for him. Maybe, I can go over there later, after the other boy shows up, and ask if he would switch with me. I bet Yo would be really happy about that.

Okay, now where is my room? I think it is down this hall. Man, I don't even think it is remotely close to Yo's room. How did this happen? Ah, there it is.

I quickly dash to the door and as I'm opening the door, I notice that Kit is walking down the hall, too. I wonder where he is staying. I hope he isn't staying with someone who is wanting to devour him. I don't think I could handle that. No. I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to handle that.

Once I walk into the room, I quickly take off my shoes, but I'm startled as the door clicks as someone, which I'm guessing is my roommate, is opening it. I quickly look up and I'm suddenly staring directly into Kit's cute and adorable face. Without moving out of the way, I instantly chirp, "Ah, P'Kit, are you my roommate for the night?"

Kit slightly blushes and answers, "Yes. Can I come in and put my bags down, or are you going to keep standing in my way?"

I suddenly realize that Kit is correct, and I quickly move into the room to put my bag down on the chair. Oh, this is perfect. I was also worrying that Kit would wind up with a lust filled roommate that Kit would have to fight off all night long. Or worse, that would attack Kit as soon as he falls asleep. I'm happy that Kit is staying with me tonight.  No, I'm super happy.

As a big smile bursts onto my face, Kit gives me a sheepish look before taking his own shoes off and carrying his bag to the sofa by the window. As Kit is putting his bag down, he says, "N'Ming, you don't have to worry about N'Yo. He is going to be fine."

Wait. What is Kit talking about? Confused, I quickly ask, "Why? Is something wrong with Yo?"

Kit chuckles and explains, "I'm sure you are worried about who is N'Yo's roommate, right. Well, Ai'Pha worked really hard to convince the leader that he needed to stay with N'Yo tonight since he was car sick while driving here. That is why I'm your roommate instead of N'Yo. I hope you don't mind me sleeping here tonight."

Oh, things couldn't be better. At least I don't have to worry about either Yo or Kit. I'm leaving Yo alone and he can deal with his boyfriend. I'm not going to stop anything there. I doubt I could even if I wanted to. Plus, I have Kit as my roommate. What could be better?

I happily smile at Kit and reply, "I couldn't think of anything better. I'm glad that you are staying here tonight. I was worried that you would be stuck with some idiot that only wanted to touch you. Oh, I couldn't stand that if that happened."

Kit instantly flashes me a brilliant smile and his adorable dimples are on full display. Before I realize what I'm doing, I slowly poke my finger into Kit's dimples and mumble, "Cute."

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