Chapter 33

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

On another note, I have decided to generate a book with solely devoted to the various scenes that the Fairies are in.  It will kind of be like Park and Lam's video collection in My Visions which they fondly refer to as The Funny Fairy Times.  I hate to say it but I really love my Fairies and I usually have them doing some wild and crazy things so why not put them all in one spot for everyone to enjoy again and again.  I will be uploading it throughout the next couple of days as I copy the various chapters over into the book.  I hope you don't laugh too hard.  My favorite bar scene is going to be there, too.

Ming POV

Finally, our practice is done for the night. I can't believe that we had to work on the dance routine for over 2 hours, and we didn't even get all the way through it. At this rate, we will never learn the whole routine. Then they had to teach us how to walk. Really? I think I learned to walk many years ago. Okay, I know this is more of a fashion/model runway walk, but really. I don't think we are going to be signing modeling contracts anytime soon. Oh, maybe Yo was right. Maybe this wasn't worth it to get a few phone numbers.

Wait. Phone numbers. I just realized that I haven't even tried to get anyone's phone number except Kit's. Kit is the only phone number that I got, but why haven't I gotten any star's phone number? The main reason that I wanted to be the moon of engineering so bad was, so I could get a lot of girl's numbers. What am I waiting for? Well, the practices have been taking forever and I rush out to head to Kit's room. I'll just mark it up to being too busy.

I quickly grab my stuff and throw everything into my bag. As I stand up to leave, Yo chirps, "Hey, Ming, do you want to grab something really quick to eat? I'm starving."

Before I can respond, Pha quickly calls out from across the practice hall, "Baby, I'll take you to go get something to eat. Doesn't that fall under the tasks a boyfriend should do? Aren't I your boyfriend?"

Pha lets a brilliant smile spread across his face as he is speaking which I'm sure just melted poor Yo's heart. I forget, how did Yo fall so hard for this super popular guy? Well, I can't say much because I think Pha fell even harder for Yo. Pha would do anything Yo asks him to do. I still can't believe people can be that much in love with someone. Oh, that isn't going to happen to me any time soon.

I throw my bag over my shoulder just as Pha walks up to Yo and me. I quickly chuckle at the lovey-dovey actions between my best friend and Pha, as Pha quickly wraps his arm around Yo's waist as Yo gently kisses Pha's cheek. They are both completely whipped. I shake my head at the two.

Suddenly, my eyes spot Kit walking into the practice hall and I immediately burst with excitement. I quickly chirp, "P'Kit, are you ready to go?" Even though my legs and feet are tired, I suddenly have energy and I hop over to Kit as I anxiously wait for his response.

Kit is fighting it, but he slowly lets a smile creep up onto his face which makes his cute and adorable dimples pop out. Oh, I want to just poke those cute dimples. However, I know Kit will slap my hand for sure if I tried it.

Kit huffs, "Come on, nong. I don't have all night. I need to get back to my room to study."

I hop along beside Kit as we head out of the practice hall toward Kit's car. We stop momentarily once we are outside because Yo is still trying to see if anyone wants to go eat with him and Pha. Well, sorry to tell you, Yo, but everyone has things that they need to do. Yo pouts as soon as everyone tells him no. Even Shane says no to Yo which is unusual. Shane usually tags along when ever Yo asks, but he said that he has a big project that he needs to go back to his room and work on.

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