Chapter 17

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Okay, I couldn't wait.  So I'm uploading another chapter today.  Now this is going to be just like the last chapter and don't get too mad at me.  You will just have to wait.

Double update!  YEAH!!!  


Oh, I'm so nervous. What if Ming rejects me? What am I going to do?

I watch as Pha takes Yo to his car and announces that he is leaving first. Okay, at least Beam and Forth are still here to help me. Oh, I almost forgot about Shane.  I slowly turn towards the group and I'm shocked when Forth asks, "N'Ming, can you get a ride with Ai'Kit? I'm going to take Ai'Beam home."  

Ming smiles and chimes, "Sure. Not a problem, P'."

Okay, did I just hear that correctly. Forth and Beam are baling on me and I'm going to alone with Ming in my car driving him back to his dorm? I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Oh, I wish my friends were here to give me support but clearly, they all have something more important on their minds than to help me. Well, I guess this is something that I should do on my own.

I tentatively ask Ming, "Well, are you ready to go?"

Ming bounces towards my car as he chirps, "Yes, P'Kit. But, can we stop and get something to eat? I'm hungry again."

How can he be hungry again? We had a nice meal earlier, but if he is hungry, I will drive him to where ever he wants to eat. I don't mind babying him a little.

I nod my head yes. "Where would you like to eat?"

Ming pulls open my car door for me and smiles. "I don't care. Anywhere, as long as the food is good."

I don't even pay attention that the door is open as I'm thinking about what place is close and has good food. Oh, I know where to go. I quickly get into the car and Ming shuts my door for me before he dashes around the car to the other side.

As Ming is getting into the car, I quickly turn and chirp, "Do you like noodles? There is a small restaurant not far from here that has good noodles at a reasonable price. Do you want to eat there?"

Ming smiles and happily says, "Sure. It sounds perfect."

Ming's cheerfulness quickly spreads to me and before I know it, I have a big smile on my face too. I pull away from the parking lot and head to the noodle shop.

Once we get there, I'm thankful that the shop doesn't have many customers right now but the few people that are here, seem to be checking Ming out. I wish I could just put an invisible shield around Ming so only I could see him. That way, I shouldn't have much competition with others for his affection. I still don't know whether he is open to allowing me to court him or not. I guess I need to bring that topic up soon, but I'm nervous that he will say no and reject me right away. Maybe, I should just get to know him first before we try anything more. I know that I keep debating and I really should make up my mind soon, but I'm just too nervous to decide something this big too soon.

I snap out of my thoughts as Ming asks, "What are you going to get?"

Oh, I was thinking about us too much that I didn't look at the menu yet. I mumble, "I don't know. Give me a minute." I quickly grab the menu and I look through it quickly. I don't know why I'm even looking at it. I always buy the same thing whenever I'm at a noodle shop. Instead, I take quick moment to clear my head and to calm my nerves.

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