Bonus Chapter 2

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

This is much awaited first night for Pha and Yo, so be warned that it is a little hot and steamy.  18+

On a side note, if you have seen my conversation board, you will know, but I want to thank my readers for showing me so much support for all the top rankings on this story.  I was completely shocked and blown away when I saw them last night.  I couldn't have done it without all you amazing readers.  Thank you for your kindness and your love.  

I have said this before and I'll say it again.  I love you guys.  

This has been one of the best decisions that I've ever made in my life.   


I thought my biggest surprise tonight was that Shane brought Nate as his date to the wedding and confessed that he has been dating her for several months. I never thought in my wildest dreams that Beam's mother along with Yo's dad and Ming's father would work together to pull this off. Shoot, I didn't even think that anyone knew that I had bought a ring. I didn't tell anyone beside my two friends who went with me and both Kit and I bought rings together. How did Yo's dad find out?

I was wondering earlier why my mother and both grandparents were here. They knew Beam, but they weren't that close with him. Then I really couldn't understand why several of my aunts, uncles and cousins were here, too. I just never put two and two together. I should have figured it out sooner, but I just wasn't thinking that this is would happen.

I'm so happy that my family is here, but it still hurts that my father has chosen to isolate himself from me. I want to have a relationship like what I've already formed with Yo's dad. I know that Yo's dad had to go through hard times and he had to work really hard to regain his relationship with Yo, but I think he appreciates it more after having to work so hard for it.

I just wish that my father could get to that point. My mother keeps telling me to wait and that he will come around one day, but how long do I have to wait until that one day.

Yo's dad has told me several times that he thinks of me as his son and that he will treat me like one too. I couldn't even tell him how much that meant to me. I'm just his son-in-law, now, but he sees me just like he does Yo and Beam. I couldn't have been more fortunate.

I look at Yo while he bashfully talks to Beam and I can tell by Beam's devilish grin that they are talking about something naughty. Oh, I hope it is something very naughty. I finally realize what they are talking about and I can't wait.

I look at my cute husband and I can't help but to mentally scream, "YES!! HE IS ALL MINE TONIGHT!!! NO ONE IS GOING TO STOP ME NOW!!!"

I don't even really care where we are at. His bedroom here in the mansion is just fine as long as we don't have to leave for several days. However, that maybe is a little too close to his parents. Yes, I think we should have our wedding night somewhere away from the mansion. I plan on devouring him whole and not stopping until he passes out.

I look at Yo's cute little blushing face and I slowly put my arm around his shoulder. I begin to play with his ear on the other side of him, as I lean into his ear closest to me and whisper, "Baby, tonight I finally get to fully claim you as mine. I can't wait." I can't control myself as I lightly peck Yo's ear which instantly causes a shiver to go through his body. Yo's breath hitches and I can tell that he is wanting to get to our wedding night as much as I am.

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