Chapter 47

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Just a little warning that this is a little steamy and hot.  Read at your own risk.  18+


Oh, I'm so nervous. I hope I don't make a complete fool of myself. I don't want to chase Ming away before we have a chance to even get something started. Oh, my hands are starting to sweat, and I think they are starting to tremble. I know that I'm starting to get dizzy and my knees are getting wobbly. No. No. No. I can't faint now. I have to calm down before I start to hyperventilate.

As I enter our room, I manage to somehow get my shoes off without falling flat on my face. However, as I start to walk across the room, my legs begin to buckle, and I almost fall, but I successfully keep myself upright as I desperately grab a hold of the nearby desk.

Ming is instantly at my side with his strong muscular arms wrapped tightly around my waist. Ming frantically asks, "P'Kit, are you all right? Do you need help?"

For a moment, I'm lost in Ming's handsome face and gorgeous eyes, and I forgot all of my worries that I had earlier tonight. At this moment, all I could think of is that Ming has his strong arm tightly wrapped around my waist and that my heart is slamming hard against my chest. I couldn't even think about anything else.

As I continue to enjoy the view, Ming smiles at me and leans a little closer to me. My body suddenly moves on its own and before I know what I'm doing, I lean into Ming and I gently kiss him.

Oh, I missed this feeling. I know it has only been a few hours, but Ming's lips can take me places that I've never been before.

Just as I go to pull away, Ming pulls me hard flat against him and I suddenly gasp in shock. I never thought that Ming would want more. I'm excited but I'm also surprised.

As soon as I gasp, Ming seizes the opportunity as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth and the overpowering taste of alcohol begins to overwhelm me. If I wasn't drunk before, I may just end up drunk from kissing Ming, but I'm not going to make him stop. I have waited too long for Ming to finally agree to be my boyfriend. However, I do have a growing desire to mark him and to show everyone else that Ming is mine, but I can't. I won't be able to mark him until after the competition and I'm instantly wishing that the competition would be over.

As Ming's tongue frantically explores my mouth, my hands snake around Ming's body and as all my self-control comes crashing down to the ground, my hands hungrily explore his back. I can't control myself as a soft moan escapes my mouth but is quickly swallowed by Ming's mouth.

Ming slowly pulls away from our kiss and softly says, "I need to take a shower. I'm sticky and all sweaty, plus I reek of alcohol. I want to only smell sweet next to you."

My mind is spinning and whirling around. I don't want to give him up, but I also understand what he is saying. Reluctantly, I agree. "Okay, but don't take too long. I'll get cleaned up after you."

Ming engulfs my mouth one more time in a smoldering hot kiss that nearly makes my knees buckle. When he pulls away, I immediately whimper at the lose of his body. I want him to continue to hold me tight.

Ming staggers into the bathroom. Well, he is clearly drunk, but I don't care. As soon as he disappears into the bathroom, I see his clothes getting tosses out into the room. Wait. Did he not close the door?

I hear the water running and then Ming's boxers get thrown out too.

Oh, he did leave the door open. Do I dare go peek? Just a little look won't hurt anyone, will it? Should I? Oh, but I really want to. I'll just go over and pick up Ming's clothes off the floor. Yeah, that is what I'll do.

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