Chapter 29

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

Yesterday was one of the best days in my life. Well, I started off by waking up with my gorgeous boyfriend, Pha, sleeping next to me and then I hit a road bump by accidentally running into my dad at the mansion. However, I met my step-brother, who is actually my friend, Beam. Then all of my friends spent the night celebrating 'The Meeting of the Brothers', as Ming calls it.

Now we are heading to Ming's house to meet his parents. I can tell that Pha is really nervous, but he doesn't have anything to be nervous about. Ming's dad may act all tough, but in reality, with me, he is a big softy. Well, he will question Pha some because he doesn't want any vultures swarming around me. Ming's dad also has this amazing ability to be able to pick the scum out from a group of people really easily, but I know that Pha isn't a vulture and he isn't with me to take advantage of me. So, Pha has nothing to worry about. It doesn't mean that Ming's dad isn't going to rake Pha over the coals first just to make Pha nervous.

Today, we are riding in a big van that Forth was able to get so we didn't have to take two separate vehicles. Forth is driving with Beam sitting in the passenger seat and the rest of us are in the back on the various seats. Like last night, Pha didn't let me sit anywhere but right next to him. He can be so possessive sometimes but I'm not going to tell him that I kind of like it. It makes me feel special which is something that I haven't had before. Don't get me wrong, my friends try to make me feel special, but it just isn't the same when you are talking about your boyfriend making you feel special, love and desirable. All of which are things that I want to feel and experience soon.

The whole ride to Ming's house, we were all still having fun even though Pha couldn't stop bouncing his knee. Once we finally arrive at Ming's house, Pha, Kit and Beam seem to be surprised with the size of Ming's house. It is also a mansion, but it isn't quite as big as my family's mansion, but I don't care about that. Well, they shouldn't be surprised by the size of Ming's mansion since they know that Ming's family is also one of the wealthiest families in the country. What did they expect his family to live in? A small two-bedroom house?

As we get closer to Ming's house I keep stealing glances at Ming and Kit. Ming has Kit sitting right next to him and Ming keeps playing with Kit's hair and the collar of Kit's shirt. Oh, Ming. You just need to wake up and see the light. Ming, you have fallen so hard for Kit that you can't even see straight.

Beam notices me glancing at Ming and Kit and when I turn back forward and look at Beam, he smiles and mouths, "Ming is so in love with Kit."

I softly giggle, so Ming and Kit don't realize that we are talking about them, and I mouth back, "I know. Ming needs to realize it soon."

Beam and I nod in agreement. Shane quickly whispers, "I agree too."

Forth quickly mumbles, "Me three."

Pha, on the other hand, is so nervous about meeting Ming's parents and what they may possibly do to him that he doesn't even realize that we are having a conversation. I can't help but smile at him, and I begin to slowly rub his back trying to calm him down.

I shake my head at Beam and he acts like he doesn't know what to do either. Well, this will hopefully be all over soon.

As soon as Forth stops the van in front of Ming's mansion, Ming's mom and dad walk out of the house. Before we have a chance to get out of the van, Ming's parents are greeting us. I try again to calm Pha down, but nothing seems to be working.

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