Chapter 31

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.


I'm still worried but I feel better knowing that there are people out there willing to help me. I have a feeling that both Ming's dad and Yo's dad will do whatever they have to in order to stop my father. I got the impression from Ming's dad that he doesn't really like how my father does business, and I have to say that I agree with him 100%.

I also feel much better that I made it through the interrogation. I guess I was more nervous than I needed to be. Ming's parents were really nice and luckily, they accepted me as Yo's boyfriend rather quickly. So, now I have the approval of both Yo's dad and Ming's parents. I just wish that my own parents would be this open and excited about me finding someone that I love.

I grab my bag, and I walk out of my dorm room and across the hall to Yo's door.

Knock. Knock.

Before I can knock again, the door quickly flies open and I'm greeted with Yo's beautiful smiling face. I can definitely live with his smiling face greeting me every morning.

"Baby are you ready to go get some breakfast?" I ask as I lean forward and gently kiss Yo's forehead.

Yo giggles and flashes me a bright smile and chirps, "Yes, P'Pha."

I love starting off the morning like this. The only thing that would be better is if I was waking up to Yo lying next to me in the bed, just like yesterday. That would be the best.

Once we get to the restaurant closest to our dorm, Yo and I have to sit at the table in the middle of the restaurant since it is the only one available. It seems that everyone else had the same idea that we did and are getting their breakfast at the same time.

As soon as the server came to take our order, Pring suddenly sits down at the table and quickly tells the server her order too. What is she even doing? I have never come across anyone who has been this rude before. Not only did she not even ask to sit with us, I think she is hoping that I'm going to pay for her breakfast too. Well, I'm not going to do that. I'm paying for Yo's breakfast but I'm not paying for hers too.

As soon as the server leaves, I immediately snap, "Ai'Pring, what are you doing? I don't remember agreeing to let you sit at our table to eat with us. Now that I think about it. I don't remember you even asking to sit at our table. Oh, don't even think about me paying for your breakfast because that isn't going to happen." I'm pissed and I'm hoping to get my point across. I was wanting to spend this time with my baby alone, but she went and ruined it.

Pring sweetly smiles at me and gives me an innocent look, but I know better. "Ai'Pha, what are you talking about? All the tables are full, and I knew that since we are close that you wouldn't have a problem with me sitting with you. I see that you already have another student sharing the table with you so why not me."

Yo looks at me confused and I'm a little confused too. Pring and I are both medical students and are the same year at the university, but beyond that we aren't close. I have never eaten a lunch with her unless it was a class trip and the whole class was eating together. In addition, I have never talked with her unless I was tutoring students and she just happened to be a student that I was tutoring. In my mind, none of this constitutes us being close with each other. Clearly, she sees things differently than me, but I'm going to put a stop to it, right now.

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