Chapter 52

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I have been so focused on getting things ready for my meeting last night that I can't seem to get back into the swing of writing and I almost couldn't get the chapter finished.  I finally deleted part of it and changed POV and then it seemed to come together.  

Shane POV

"Can you believe it? P'Pha actually got everything switched so he was staying in my room Saturday night and Ming was staying with P'Kit. I can't believe that he did that, but I'm glad that he did. I just wish that his father hadn't gone and ruined the evening with that stupid phone call. Everything was going go up to that point." Yo continues on his story as I half-heartedly listen. I can't help but to think about my weekend and I'm sure that it is going to come back and haunt me. This is exactly why I don't drink and why Yo always makes sure that I'm a good boy, but he wasn't around this weekend and I was on my own. That is never a good combination.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a load scream as Montree comes running towards me.  "P'Shane!! OMG!! Is it true? Please tell me that it isn't true!!!"

What is he talking about? I have no idea what is going on.

Yo is just as confused as I am, as he leans towards me and whispers, "Shane, what did you do?"

I slowly shake my head letting him know that I have no idea, but in the back of my mind, my gut is telling that it could have something to do with my crazy weekend. However, at this point, I'm going to act like I don't know because really, I don't know. This may have nothing to doing with getting drunk and waking up with two beautiful ladies lying naked next to me. Well, I hope it has nothing to do with it.

I chuckle as the rest of the Fairies come trailing close behind Montree acting just as crazy as Montree with their arms moving frantically about while they were all screaming at the same time.

     "OMG!! It can't be! Not our P'!"

     "No! No! No! No, P'!"

     "Not those hussies, P'!"

As soon as I hear the reference to hussies, my stomach immediately sinks, and my gut is correct. Shoot why does my gut have to be correct this time.

Suddenly, I have an overwhelming desire to go find a hole and hide in it.

Why is this happening to me? Why can't I just have a nice weekend with the guys without ending up with some big disaster at the end. Well, I'm sure the guys are more than happy with me from what I remember. I was able to get the table surrounded by girls and several of them were able to leave with a few, but I just don't remember all of the night. However, I am starting to remember some of the very steamy moments of that very hot night later at the girl's room, which I have to say, I'm even impressed with myself. I don't want to brag but DAMN, I had it going on.

I have done some wild and crazy things in my life, but this is a first. I have never had a threesome before and I kind of liked it. I may have to try that one again. Oh, I can't think about that right now, but I will definitely think about it later.

Yes, the Fairies are talking about me taking home those two girls this weekend. Oh, Yo isn't going to be happy when he finds out. I know that he is going give me a lecture at some point.

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