10) Sonadget: Still Partners

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This one is an experiment.

PoV: Gadget

The battle was over, and Eggman's rule was erased thanks to Sonic. Now we were supposed to go back to our normal lives and rebuild our homes. Sonic's home was completely destroyed. So I offered him to stay with me until it was rebuilt. My heart practicly skipped a beat when he said yes.

"You're really okay if I stay with you?" He asked as he came in.

"Not at all. I'm luck my house is only damaged on the outside. You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch," I took off my utility belt and stretched.

"No it's cool. I don't mind taking the couch. You probably want your bed anyway. It's been a long fight," Sonic was so kind. He always put others before him.

"Alright then. Do you want to take a bath while I cook?" I suggested.

"That actually sounds nice. But I'll take a shower out of preference," he laughed.

"Oh right. If course. You can use the shower up stairs in my bedroom," last door on the right.

"Alright thanks man," he left.

I listened close to his footsteps. I felt relief when I heard the shower on. Sonic was safe.


A long while passed. Dinner was ready, I showered in the second bathroom, and Sonic hadn't come down stairs yet. I walked up stairs and I found him asleep in bed.

His fur still damp and now cold. I took his towel and dried him off some more. I tucked him in... He was so cute just sleeping like that. Peaceful and calm as his chest rose and descended ever so gently.

PoV: Sonic

The feeling of something soft on my lips woke me. I opened my eyes, Gadget was kissing me?!

He pulled away, "I'm sorry... it was just... you looked so cute and..."

"Well... it's been a long war... and it wasn't exactly bad..." I heard myself, it was a little embarrassing.

"The kiss was good?" He asked. I nodded, "oh but that's bad. You're with Amy."

"No, I'm not," I sat up next to him. I placed on had on the other sode of his lap, "I'm not... dating... her..."

The next moment we were kissing again. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me close. Chaos he was such a good kisser, I couldn't do anything other than hold him.

PoV: Gadget

Sonic's lips were perfect. I felt drawn to him. I pulled him in as close as I could, his body was so slim yet so soft at the same time. I didn't regret that first kiss now. I fell back, taking Sonic onto my chest. I played with his ear and he started purring. Chaos he was adorable. My body felt hot, I felt his skin burning as well. I moved my other hand to his leg and slowly move up his thigh. He said nothing, so I kept going.

"Aa♡~!" He moaned as soon as I got to his tail, "G-Gadget... careful... t-that's sensitive aa♡!"

"Sorry!" I let go.

"No, it's okay... just try and be gentle," he was panting from that, just how sensitive was he?

I went back to kissing him and tracing every curve of his body. His damn fur didn't bother me, because I didn't care. I pinned him down and kissed him once more. Every inch of his soft mouth was amazing. The much stronger heat coming from my lower stomach ment this was only going one way, and I was okay with that.

PoV: 3rd Person

Sonic's body was burning him with heat as Gadget relished in the feel of his partner. His member traveling itself to poke as azure fur when an entrance was hidden.

"Aa~♡!" A sudden flinch from the smaller male ment Gadget found the opening.

Peach hands gripped the sheets as something large entered him. The red furred male felt was warm tight walls around him, feeling nothing but pleasure as his partner winced below. Hearing cries of pain the larger male stopped, holding his partner he let Sonic take time to adjust.

A few a while Sonic nodded, keying in the much larger flesh in his body that it was okay to move. Thrusts were slow, but hard. Panting being the only sound until a moan erupted from the dazed hedgie. The wolf enjoying the sound of his adorable mate continued to ram that location in his slow pace.

Lifting a short furred azure leg over a scarlet shoulder allowed for the hard shaft to move deeper into his partner. Louder moans cane as Gadget slowly picked up his pace and began thrusting into Sonic with more force. Slow pace quickening as a hard member pounded into sensitive walls.

Sonic mind only focused on pleasure, didn't notice his own smaller shaft had shown itself and awaited release. It rubbed and grazed against his unnoticed partner. The accidental touch pleasuring the azure anyway, leading him to a strong release over the sheets and a scarlet leg.

"Aah♡~♡!" Sonic moaned as a rush of warm, hot, fuild filled him from behind.

"Sonic..." Gadget collapsed over his cum filled partner, "I didn't know you could... be such a good... partner."

"I think... That goes the other way around," Sonic replied.

"Dinner's ready downstairs," he purred as Gadget hugged his partner.

"Too tired..." Sonic yawned, both falling asleep in each other's arms.

Niether of them caring for the cold dinner waiting on the table as they slept.


I'm in another artist block so, one shots today.

If you requested something and it hasn't been created please remind me, because I probrably forgot.

See ya later ~ 😙

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